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Thermalling with a motor

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I am off to pick up my first paramotor next weekend, and I am so excited about it I'm finding it very hard to sleep! :mrgreen:

I have been freeflying for around 7-8 years, and I have done a few xc thermal flights, and I was wondering how many of you do much thermal flying? I really like the idea of taking off in the morning in nice calm air and then turning the motor off once the thermals pick up enough, and then restarting it again if I get too low and can't connect the next thermal. Is this possible or just a wonderful dream? Is it practical to pull-start a motor in flight?

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Sure it's possible. I don't do it as much as I though I would (I'm from free flight as well) but it works fine. Takes some getting used to since the harness of a paramotor compared to a free flight gear is different. On a paramotor the risers are closer to the body and the seated position is more upright. Once you get used to that it'll be fine.

Starting in air is possible but you can't rely on it as you problably know.

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Thanks for the advice, sounds like my dream may be possible!

I have bought a Rad Arrow (picking it up on Saturday 4th May), and I am told it's pretty easy to pull-start. I'll let you know how I get on...

In the meantime, if anybody has any stories about paramotor thermalling experiences I'd love to hear.

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I do allot of thermal flying with my motor/motors

My Bailey V5 is sooo easy to restart in the air even when you have been engine off for 30mins or longer... The Two stroke not so easy... the primmer bulb on the moster zenith is a pig to get too (impossible) while seated. It starts ok when you turn off for a couple of minutes but longer periods it need to be primed

This is where electric start comes into its own on a two stroke..

Just my 2p

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I owned a RAD paramotor when I moved over from PG to PPG

Due to its high hang point setup, it is not the ideal selection for thermal flying in my opinion.

I never found it a problem to re-start.


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I have electric start on my new Titanium Ultra 130 paramotor and have found it very easy to turn off and re-start in flight. Having had a (faulty) paramotor that used to die on me in flight and wouldn't re-start, it was important for me to know that the new one would re-start every time.


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I have electric start on my new Titanium Ultra 130 paramotor and have found it very easy to turn off and re-start in flight. Having had a (faulty) paramotor that used to die on me in flight and wouldn't re-start, it was important for me to know that the new one would re-start every time.


Ultra 130

How is it?

I have the miniplane but that is about the only other unit I would buy. Did you get the ABM?

what does it weigh in at dry 21k?

How do you like the thrust?

how much torque twist on takeoff?

Sorry little off topic but just love that motor, I would love to take it for a rip but its a little hard here in Brazil. Get your ass on a plane I have a spare room.... on the beach!!!!!

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The Ultra 130 is great. I originally wanted a Miniplane because it's so light - I wanted to get as close to paragliding as possible and was impressed with how light the Miniplane felt. Like you I found the only other option for me was the Ultra 130.

I have the clutch and electric-start version, which on my own scales weighed in at just over 22kg (ready to fly but without fuel). On your back it feels very light (although not as light as the Miniplane) and I was amazed that I could happily ground-handle for half an hour with it on. With my previous motor I was exhausted and sweating just launcing it.

For someone as light as me (70kg) the power is phenomenal and take-offs are ridiculously easy. With my previous motor I had to run like crazy and had difficulty getting off the ground in nil wind. With this one, once the wing is up and power is on, I'm skipping across the surface. I haven't got to full power yet. Until I'm fully used to it I just add power in steps until I'm pinged into the air.

I had an initial problem with a faulty carb, but Vince from Custom-Air really bent over backwards to get it sorted.

In terms of torque, I've felt none at all. Partly because I don't use full power and partly because the ABM bars and attachment points are set to compensate for torque.

Brazil sounds great. As does the beach. Thanks for the invite.


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Yea sounds like you were looking for the same thing as I was.

With this criteria only two motors that I knew of at the time would fall out of the group. I went for a custom mini lol… Small frame 130 prop and gears. However I love the looks of the 130. That unit and a 130prop would be a really punchy unit. I found the 130 just after buying the mini.

I do love the combo I have now but would love to fly the 130.

Enjoy looks like you bought a nice unit. PM me what it cost you if you don’t mind.

Wow a 130 and 70k lol

You can do a jump take off!!! lol dont need wind

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