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Traffic avoidance system


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Evening everyone,

Just thinking about safety in my area particularly, and wondered if anyone has a Traffic avoidance system that they use?

Im located about 2 miles from Fenland airfield which can get very busy during Saturdays and fly directly where I would take off from. What would people recommended me doing, or do I not have to worry about other traffic?



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It would also be worth mentioning that you are there (when you are there of course)

Develop a relationship with the pilots booking out office people so they can let others know your going to be there.

I am assuming its not controlled airspace?


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Yes- get a few contacts from the airfield, let them know who you are and where you fly from- also it will instill a bit of confidence if you demonstrate that you know airlaw and procedures.

Better still if you turn up with your gear some day and show them what's involved- they need to be clear on a few things- not to fly to close to you- especially overhead left/right to aviod wake turbulence.

I've had a few curious microlight pilots and even a police helicopter do 'close' fly bys.... it's pretty unnerving for paramotor pilots.

I'd recommend you give the aerodrome a very wide berth as we generally don't mix well with faster moving a/c

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Get yourself an up to date air map and study it making sure you dont breach any restricted airspace!

This is a snapshot of the area i hope to fly from - about 10m north west of Southampton.

Does this look a bit `busy` or fairly typical?

To be fair, most of the restricted airspace has a 2000ft base nearest my intended flying location:


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Not sure this is relavent here, but may be of interest.

I was chatting to someone I know who is in the RAF. He's a fast jet instructor (Navigation) and flies Hawks on a daily basis. He also flies paraglider when not at 'work'.

His comments about paraglider/motor recognition whilst travelling at 400mph are thus..

'The danger is popping out of a cloud and seeing one a mile away, quite lawfully. It doesn't give me many seconds to respond. The good thing is that they are usually high vis colours and number 1 eyeball picks them up quick enough. My biggest danger is gliders. Edge on, they are very thin profile and usually white in colour, they are my nightmare'.

I think I get...stay away from clouds and get gaudy....

He flies out of RAF Leeming in Yorkshire, takes him 4 mins to his 'playground' in Scotland and regularly does the trip, depending on route, 30 mins down to Norfolk, an hour on training, then a run back home for lunch !!

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I believe the airspace is actually controlled but there might be a slight bit where it won't be. I will have to double check this with some guys at the Airfield. I know the majority of regular flyers from Fenland as I go there ever so often and sit in the ATC tower listening to what people are doing etc. I will ask them there for any information, and maybe get a notice up for near by paramotor's flying. Just a thought I had was last night, is that I believe they might have a hand held radio in the tower, which I was thinking if I speak to the guy that goes up there nicely, he might allow me to contact him to get a traffic report and see if the skies are busy or not, and occasionally during the flight, but I will have to ask him :L

I was looking for those detailed maps, but I can't seem to find any. Dave sent me one that is 1:250,000 that covers south England, with Fenland being at the very top. But im not fully sure what im looking for. Am I looking for the 1:250,000? Can anyone hit me up with a link to somewhere that sells them please?

Thats an interesting thought about the RAF, didn't think of low flying aircraft that are military. We have the Holbeach bombing range approximately 4 miles east of my location that I plan to take off from, and it seems to be a theme that the Hercules, or the Apaches will do a low fly by over our house on a Wednesday night. I'll try and find out more about the restricted areas to find out where they fly, to try and stay out of there way.

Thanks alot


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'The danger is popping out of a cloud and seeing one a mile away, quite lawfully. It doesn't give me many seconds to respond. The good thing is that they are usually high vis colours and number 1 eyeball picks them up quick enough. My biggest danger is gliders. Edge on, they are very thin profile and usually white in colour, they are my nightmare'.

I think I get...stay away from clouds and get gaudy.....

But if you've filed your CANP (Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm) the Pilots wont get any surprises

(Civil Aircraft Notification Procedure)

Number is on the back of your BHPA card.

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But if you've filed your CANP (Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm) the Pilots wont get any surprises

(Civil Aircraft Notification Procedure)

Number is on the back of your BHPA card.

First time I've heard of the BHPA/CANP? im still learning, sorry if thats a tad daft, could you expand on that please? Do i need one?

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  • 1 month later...

Mike (and all), sorry for replying to an old post but I am also coming to terms with airspace restrictions despite having ridge soared from hills for many years on a paraglider.

In order to help get my head around it, I subscribed for the free 30 day trial of Sky Demon flight software. I can not recommend it enough!

I won't describe all the functions here but just to be able to see the air space around your proposed launch point in a clear plan diagram is well worth the look on its own.

Whether it is worth the full subscription you will have to decide yourself after the evaluation period.


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