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New Flier in Kent and Eqpt Question

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Hi Everyone

I am hopefully finishing my ground handling soon and moving to flight and wanted to find out where those who fly in Kent (and nearby) congregate and fly from. I would like to meet up with and of course fly with fellow aviation petrol heads and hopefully learn from and progress my own flying skills as well as share my time with like minded people.

I have a FB Monster coupled with a Dudek LT Synth 34 and weigh in at a lithe 103 kilo, lol (or 16st 3lb in old money). is this a good combo or should I think about trading up or down, answers on a postcard :) I have been away from the site for a while and want to say a big thank you in advance for any answers or replies.

All the best


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Hi Popgeddy

Can't help much with the flying sites as I'm the other side of the country in "Sunny Bristol" but I am a similar weight (not too sure about being described as lithe though!) I have a PXP Moster and a Ozone Speedster 30, The Moster is great, can't fault it at all, really simple to use and look after and it has plenty of power - I can still climb on full speed bar and trimmers out, but spend most of the time just cruising about on about quarter throttle.

I have just bought the wing and love it - obviously Ozone is the best on the market by far as I have just bought one, so I'm afraid i can't help on the wing much either but I'm sure you won't regret either or need to change.

Welcome to the sport


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Hello mate. Where abouts in Kent are you? I'm in east tilbury in Essex so although not Kent I couldn't get much closer. I'm quite new to it my self with 2 flights under my belt. And I am a little under your lithe at 85 kg so can't offer much help on your kit. But if your any where near the dartford crossing I'm not to far from you so maybe a poss to come fly! Or get a few hours and a site around gravesend, grab your pass port and cross the Thames in style!

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Hi Everyone

Thank you ever so much for your replies and I feel more confidant in my choices for both my wing and engine. Hi Fly-Mow, I live in North Kent so I over look your fine County of Essex and the crossing is about 1/2 hour drive for me. I see some trips to Essex on my flying "to do" list soon. I hope to get airbourne soon and weather permitting this should be next month or possibly August.

Speak soon



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