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cold bumps

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Had a fantastic flight this evening, warm spring air and it was as smooth as silk but nearing the end of the flight i felt cool air on my face and straight away juddering in the wing it was pretty strange

I headed back after a while and then warm air again and no judders.

Anyone else had this before

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Sounds like you went though a thermal to me mate. :-)

It is AMAZING sometimes how much the temperature change can be noticed on your face e.t.c (more so this time of year, as the change actually is quite dramatic.)

some you notice 'most' you dont (temp wise) which will give you that WTF feeling more so when you do.


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I had a weird one with wind tonight, flying downwind towards landing area I was going at 36mph, I looked up and the low cloud above me was travelling 90 degrees perpendicularly to my right, I looked down and my windsock 200 feet below me was 180 degrees opposite to my direction of travel. As I came in to land at 20 feet the wind vanished completely and the windsock dropped to hanging.

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Had a fantastic flight this evening, warm spring air and it was as smooth as silk but nearing the end of the flight i felt cool air on my face and straight away juddering in the wing it was pretty strange

I headed back after a while and then warm air again and no judders.

Anyone else had this before

Youve hit a weather front- sounds like a cold front... Expect change in temperature, some localised turbulence, and depending on your height, you could have spotted a linear arrangement of cloud along the front edge above you- in some cases some precipitation.


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Had a fantastic flight this evening, warm spring air and it was as smooth as silk but nearing the end of the flight i felt cool air on my face and straight away juddering in the wing it was pretty strange

I headed back after a while and then warm air again and no judders.

Anyone else had this before

Did you have speed bar on with trimmers on slow? Can cause tips to judder.

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My money is still on a Spring thermal (or little cluster of) It's that bumpy road sensation and the cool air...

Did it stay cooler or warm back up again?


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