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Anyone owning up to flying over Brize yesterday (14th)?


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It was a paramotor with a royal blue wing flying in an easterly direction at around 200ft. It flew over the buildings to the north of the runway. Apparently the pilot was on and off the throttle a lot and was pulling circles over the station - a number of people assumed that he was in difficulty and was looking to land. Continuing in an easterly direction he flew over a C17 which was stationary on its pan with engines on. there are reports that it was thrown around a bit at this stage by the turbulance.

The RAF guys that I have spoken to say that there are loads of airspace incursions over Brize Norton but they can't remember one like this before. Apparently microlights, light aircraft and helicopters are always flying over the station - the enormous green / grey aircraft, the hangars and the runway must be hard to spot.

From what I can gather there isn't a formal investigation. One of my friends said that the guy in charge of ops didn't even know about the incident, despite the fact that paraglider flew over the ops room and people all across camp saw it.

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Guys, before you hunt him down with pitch forks and burn him at the stake you need to be in full receipt of the facts.

Wednesday saw the last flight out of Lyneham as they have now moved all the aircraft to Brize. The pilot in question had permission to parade their squadron flag from the paramotor at low level to let the rest of the base know that they had arrived in style. The day before he had flown his Hercules in.

Sometimes you need to think outside the box.

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Clive no one was hunting for a grilling mate... ? who has the right? not us thats for sure...

BUT, we do have a right to find people who (until known differently) endager the freedom of our sport if only to give some airspace advice. I think that in itself is good airmanship.

I am happy to see messages like this on the forum if there is even the tiny chance that it could prevent a 'real' infringement.

My condolences to your friend for having to fly a hurc.


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BUT, we do have a right to find people who (until known differently) endager the freedom of our sport if only to give some airspace advice. I think that in itself is good airmanship.


Quite right Simon.....tis why you'll occasionally here me raise concern when videos are posted of folks that fly 150 ft agl along busy seafronts.

:wink: Dave

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BUT, we do have a right to find people who (until known differently) endager the freedom of our sport if only to give some airspace advice. I think that in itself is good airmanship.


Quite right Simon.....tis why you'll occasionally here me raise concern when videos are posted of folks that fly 150 ft agl along busy seafronts.

:wink: Dave

150 ft agl, that is absolutely outrageous!!!! How the hell are you meant to see anything from that high up. 75ft is my ceiling.

Now then, where's that advert for Specsavers :D

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5 ft AGL is about maximum for us along the seafront as otherwise it becomes difficult to be passed an ice cream. Even though the flake fell off and one glove now has permanent traces of ice cream, it tasted delicious ! Won't post the video though in case it causes offence ..... :wink:

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5 ft AGL is about maximum for us along the seafront as otherwise it becomes difficult to be passed an ice cream. Even though the flake fell off and one glove now has permanent traces of ice cream, it tasted delicious ! Won't post the video though in case it causes offence ..... :wink:

BIG mistake in my mind..........................you should have gone for the oyster, its like an ice cream sandwich :D

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I notice a huge difference in attitudes to the infringements, mentioned above. I will try to move with you on this one (might be difficult) but they are both infringements, nevertheless, although I'm relieved that the one at Brize appears to have been fully authorised.

I've enjoyed the humour in the last 4 posts aswell. It did make me smile somewhat, and not wishing to be a party pooper I would like to join in here, and just say, Alan, checkout that ice cream stain on your glove to just ascertain that it's definately ice cream. :D (note the use of smileys)

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Hello guys!

Apparently I'm the bad boy ruining everyones day by flying through controlled airspace.

It was a fantastic trip, much appreciated by 47Sqn arriving at their new base. As far as I know nobody was hurt and the C17 captain was, if anything, amazed what supercool flying machines we operate. My clearance to cross the runway in Brize was "not above 500 ft for traffic separation".

It took me 2:10 hours, covering 95 km total distance, to do the CTA crossing and a nice XC around class D, along Kidlington airport, Oxford and Abingdon back to my departure field near Challow.

If you were trying to find me for advice on how to use proper radio equipment and knowledge - well, I'm slightly put off by the Gestapo tone in your first postings. Judging by your attitude to other fliers mistakes you seem to be superhumans and know all and everything anyway.

Why don't you do us a favour and stop giving our sport a bad name by sensationally hunting the stray wrongdoer to "give him advice"? Who the devil are you? The paramotor Stasi?

Many happy landings to you all!

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Dave, I'm glad it raised a smile. No need to worry about the stain - it has been effectively cleansed. My missus monitors my flying suit for stains and was equally concerned (although I managed to convince her that I had landed on a cowpat when she queried some darker stains after the heavy turbulence at the Nats) .... :shock:

For the record there was no infringement, and no ice creams were hurt. :D

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Hello guys!

Apparently I'm the bad boy ruining everyones day by flying through controlled airspace.

It was a fantastic trip, much appreciated by 47Sqn arriving at their new base. As far as I know nobody was hurt and the C17 captain was, if anything, amazed what supercool flying machines we operate. My clearance to cross the runway in Brize was "not above 500 ft for traffic separation".

It took me 2:10 hours, covering 95 km total distance, to do the CTA crossing and a nice XC around class D, along Kidlington airport, Oxford and Abingdon back to my departure field near Challow.

If you were trying to find me for advice on how to use proper radio equipment and knowledge - well, I'm slightly put off by the Gestapo tone in your first postings. Judging by your attitude to other fliers mistakes you seem to be superhumans and know all and everything anyway.

Why don't you do us a favour and stop giving our sport a bad name by sensationally hunting the stray wrongdoer to "give him advice"? Who the devil are you? The paramotor Stasi?

Many happy landings to you all!

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Down with all that dude. Sounds like a great flight, nice one :)


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Hello guys!

Apparently I'm the bad boy ruining everyones day by flying through controlled airspace.

It was a fantastic trip, much appreciated by 47Sqn arriving at their new base. As far as I know nobody was hurt and the C17 captain was, if anything, amazed what supercool flying machines we operate. My clearance to cross the runway in Brize was "not above 500 ft for traffic separation".

It took me 2:10 hours, covering 95 km total distance, to do the CTA crossing and a nice XC around class D, along Kidlington airport, Oxford and Abingdon back to my departure field near Challow.

If you were trying to find me for advice on how to use proper radio equipment and knowledge - well, I'm slightly put off by the Gestapo tone in your first postings. Judging by your attitude to other fliers mistakes you seem to be superhumans and know all and everything anyway.

Why don't you do us a favour and stop giving our sport a bad name by sensationally hunting the stray wrongdoer to "give him advice"? Who the devil are you? The paramotor Stasi?

Many happy landings to you all!

I think that not giving advice to someone who flies through airspace is bad airmanship. (why would you not help in this situation?


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Why don't you do us a favour and stop giving our sport a bad name by sensationally hunting the stray wrongdoer to "give him advice"? Who the devil are you? The paramotor Stasi?

If this situation would have been different and someone (without this, previously unheard of, permission) had flown over Brize, I'm pretty sure that everyone there would very much appreciate any and all help to prevent it happening again.

This being an unregulated aviation sport and anyone who wants to can simply pay some dosh and take to the extremely regulated skies without any form of tuition, licence or insurance, I think that the advice available on this forum is incredibly valuable, and the fact that our intentions are to keep the discarded sport safe for the uninformed, is invaluable.

A little ego popping up here and there is a small price to pay, and is normal (male) behaviour. (check the ego content of your post andy140970)

We all have something valuable to protect here and it's attention grabbing infringements like this first appeared to be that could see the removal of our privaliged status.

On this occasion we, understandably jumped the gun, but IMHO, this is preferable to nothing at all being said.



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My missus monitors my flying suit for stains and was equally concerned (although I managed to convince her that I had landed on a cowpat when she queried some darker stains after the heavy turbulence at the Nats) .... :shock:

I'm one ahead of you there fella........ I pop my kaks straight in the machine, after a change into fresh clothes in the back of the van. We might be watching TV an hour later when she hears the fast spin cycle kick in, when she looks at me with a knowing wink and a smile and says " Bit rough up there today love ??"

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With regard to the other matter, flying over the control tower at Brize, with the rellevant permissions, is clearly ok. I'd love to have the privaledge. BUT low flying over places that are busy with people is still probably unwise (to say the least) as 8 out of 10 groundgoers find our noise f***ng annoying regardless of the 500 ft rule ( which was probably agreed upon by all as part of our exemption form license (which non of us particularly want))

Do it at Exmouth on a regular basis and I can say with certainty that you will get hunted down, with or without pitchforks, and wether you fly a Hercules or are just a humble cabbage cutter.

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I totally agree that "low flying over places that are busy with people is still probably unwise" - and probably foolhardy and reckless to boot. We find it much safer to fly below and some distance to the side of 'any person, vessel, vehicle or structure' :wink:

At the opposite end of the spectrum, one of the tasks at this years Nationals had pilots overflying a lady's house (in a perfectly legal manner and over 1000 feet above). She had the audacity to complain and was immediately granted a 'no fly zone' for her area at the next briefing - despite it being a pre-planned, well organised, once a year event she had a thoroughly 'NIMBY' attitude.

Sometimes it seems that we are constantly having to apologise for actually doing something interesting, different and enjoyable ! Of course we don't really live in a democracy - people are slow to praise & quick to moan - and the moaners always have the loudest voice to eventually get their own way ! It only takes one complaint to spoil things for everyone. :roll:

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