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To Mac or not to Mac


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For what its worth Pete, I would get the 13-inch 2.66Ghz MacBook Pro for £1249 and spec it up with as much RAM as you can spare. 8GB Ram version costs £1569.

This will give you plenty of speed, plenty of room for HD vids etc and still a very portable size unit.

Check out http://store.apple.com/uk/browse/home/shop_mac/family/macbook_pro?mco=MTAyNTQzMzk

Just my 2p.

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Pete, have you tried Windows 7? I'm running it on 2 PC's and a laptop no trouble at all. I know that Windows isn't everyone's favourite but it does have compatibility on it's side.


Hi Ken

I am just fed up with having to buy a new pc every 12--36 months.

The one I have now has done about 18 months cost £800 and has had to have a new sound card new mother board and now I have red lines all down the screen as well as running slower than a one legged man running up hill with a rad and a revo trying to take off in nil wind.

Time to change me thinks

ps dont tell Tony. (If you were in France with us you would understand)

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For what its worth Pete, I would get the 13-inch 2.66Ghz MacBook Pro for £1249 and spec it up with as much RAM as you can spare. 8GB Ram version costs £1569.

Bloody hell that's expensive ram :shock:

If you want the good stuff ££££££

Yea thats what I thought when I looked at the web site but I presume you are tied to them with regards this sort of stuff?????

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No, you can put your own in later for a little less but I do find its simpler to pay the extra and know that they guarantee everything.

For what its worth I am currently working on a 6 year old MacBook Pro 17 inch and when the hard drive died unexpectedly 6 months ago they replaced it free of charge. (Fortunately I had a regular back up with Time Capsule...) So even though it was well out of guarantee they accepted that it was their problem and replaced it for me. For FREE!!

Service like that is worth an absolute fortune.

Just my 2p

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No, you can put your own in later for a little less but I do find its simpler to pay the extra and know that they guarantee everything.

For what its worth I am currently working on a 6 year old MacBook Pro 17 inch and when the hard drive died unexpectedly 6 months ago they replaced it free of charge. (Fortunately I had a regular back up with Time Capsule...) So even though it was well out of guarantee they accepted that it was their problem and replaced it for me. For FREE!!

Service like that is worth an absolute fortune.

Just my 2p

And 2p well spent, cheers that man :propbreak::propbreak:

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I HAD windows 7 ( the MS attempt to copy the Mac) That is now added to the £3k pile of laptops I have that are dead.

I now have the same Mac Book Pro as the Doc, its awesome! not one single problem, crash, virus, battery issue and so on...never had an error message, would not even know what it looked like.

I hammer its hardware with the software I use and it never blinks. Logic 8 running 10+ synths!

Get one, you will never buy a PC again!! Ask anyone who has one and has had both.


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If by music you mean storing then yes by all means go for the pro but to be honest a good spec MacBook and spend the rest on ancilaries ie if you have use of an external monitor then a wireless keyboard and mouse and the cables are good to get with the spare cash.

I run a 2 year MacBook with Photoshop no issue, cubase with multiple vst's including ableton rewired in all while running dual monitor and 2 midi controllers all without issue. I also have windows 7 running under bootcamp and it's better than and pc.

Don't get me wrong the pro's are the bees knees but if to are an average user without any heavy 64 bit pro programs ie final cut or logic studio ect then a MacBook and a few goodies might be a better option.

Just another point of view!

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Hi guys

I got fed up last week trying to run the HD hero on various laptops at home so took the SD card into the Apple shop where a very cool looking guy (definitely not a nerd) showed me the rather lovely and sleek imac which run the video super quick using imovie. Got it and love it. Wireless keyboard and mouse and only the power lead into the back of it. I'm all over it like a rash at the moment, until this weather changes!

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Hi guys

I got fed up last week trying to run the HD hero on various laptops at home so took the SD card into the Apple shop where a very cool looking guy (definitely not a nerd) showed me the rather lovely and sleek imac which run the video super quick using imovie. Got it and love it. Wireless keyboard and mouse and only the power lead into the back of it. I'm all over it like a rash at the moment, until this weather changes!


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I was having problems with my HD GoPro as my PC was too slow as per this thread:


Tried it on my new iMac and it works well. The 1 TB of hard disk should keep me going for a while - no danger of filling that up in a hurry.

Switching from PC was easy though I have stopped using iPhoto. I had 5 years of digital photos neatly arranged in folders and I have downloaded Picasa like I had on my PC. Picasa works well with Photoshop and allows you to save a copy of an edited photo and see it next to the one you have just done. Easier to open RAW in Photoshop from Picasa too.

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