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The Teradactyles are coming!


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Relax gang, they are only a spelling error. This is just announcing the formation of another branch of the Paramotor Club courtesy of our maestro, Simon.

Being tucked away so far down the road in Somerset makes getting to Lambourn regularly a bit of a trek so just for a laugh I/we (that is Simon and I) thought it would be a good idea to form a branch nearer home as I will be flying from there anyway.

Of course we don't yet have a flying field though one or two are identified as being suitable within range of my kettle and fridge, but time will provide I'm sure. If you want to join the usergroup please just drop me a PM and as soon as we have the 'Somerset Corner for grazing Teradactyles' (forum space) I will let you know.. All I need to do now is exchange (23rd) and complete on our new place and we will be good to go.

Oh yes, we have a (notional) Clubhouse, it's called The Red Lion, Babcary!

As soon as we are able to take inbound traffic I will let you know.

Contact will be 124.93 "Terra base'

And 'Yeovilton Radar' 127.35 for traffic information as we are at the edge of (but clear of) their ATZ, but well within their MATZ.


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We will be opening the 'Teradactyles' forum for anyone who wants to join. It is designed really for those who live range but hey, there are no rules here as I understand it and it will be fun to look across and see what other Paramotor Clubs are doing. Unless of course members want/vote to have their forums private.... naaaa! Far to anal.

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