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Illegal Low Flying - what it may mean for the future

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Just read a comment on another thread about the reaction from the public to nuisance illegal low flying in the Brighton/Hastings area.

Please don't take this as a rant at PMC members folks, it is just general comment that I hope may trigger a few thoughts.

There does seem to be an isolated belief that the 500' Rule doesn't somehow apply to paramotors at all times. Of course the majority know full well that it does but sometimes you wonder don't you. A few weekends ago I listened to a story recounted of one PPG pilot who buzzed his mate's house and his local pub, he grazed the roofs of both with his feet. He thought it was a jolly jape. The pub and the house were in the middle of a small town.

It just takes someone to produce photographic evidence with sufficient information available to submit a complaint and the police may well be obliged to prosecute. As is evidenced here and elsewhere, Mr Plod is generally very tolerant but where persistent offence gives rise to public complaint.... they are obliged to act. That may take the form of an education program followed up by police visits, or the harsher form through he courts.

This behaviour is on the rise - as a sport do we really want to be part of that process or identified as a bunch of arses who don't care about the rules that make life bearable for the majority?

What might this activity mean for the future of PPG and our sport if the public's perception is based on a few prosecutions and the subsequent publicity that would raise its profile? What might the regulators decide when faced with a review of the status of the sport after a series of incidents, accidents and complaints?

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Norm, I think the fact that we are not required to take any form of test or hold a liscence is a bit of a double edged sword, it allows those who are passionate about flying to pursue their chosen pastime with minimal fuss and gives us the "freedom" we enjoy as appossed to other more regulate forms of aviation.

However the same "freedom" comes at a price in that individuals who may not share the same level passion for the sport and who may not see the need to preserve it in its current form for the future can buy a paramotor strap it on and act in wreckless manner wich to them has no consequence as they are just "having a bit of a laugh".

The "door" that allows us our freedom to do what we do in the way we do it is open to all.


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I came from GA, and Gliding - I looked at microlight but was too heavy! (was no longer a microlight, lol!). The draw for me was an aircraft in my garage, no booking in advance or hangarage, just get hope look at the weather and fly. If i simmered down what i wanted out of flying, the first choice was always the view, making paramotoring ideal!

Now, as i have had to be licensed before, i am not adversed to it again, that said however i enjoy the feedom of no license. Would the simplest solution be to register our aircraft in the same way that aircraft are (ie visible from 500ft but not above) so that they can be identified and the cuplrit tracked down? if you know that you are able to be traced, then you may not be so inclined to do something that you know that you shouldnt.

The 500ft rule is always quoted, but that is often misleading as it still allows you to fly low over say a field or hill, just not over a person, or man made object, (to quote 'An aircraft shall not fly closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle or structure except when landing and taking-off in accordance with normal aviation practice or a glider when hill soaring' - remember we are also a glider) we are still at an advantage with our slow speed, in being able to go low and enjoy the ride.

and dont forget the 1000ft rule

"An aircraft flying over a congested area of a city, town or settlement shall not fly below a height of 1000 feet above the highest fixed object within a horizontal radius of 600 metres AND at sufficient height to safely land clear of the congested area in the event of a power failure (whichever is the higher). Congested area means an area of a city, town or settlement which is substantially used for residential, industrial, commercial or recreational purposes." - which would have applied to the guy flying over the rooftop

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bit of self policing is needed i think ,if you know of a pilot doing this it is your job to tell him/her is being a tit and is risking more rules upon us surely a few cold shoulders would at least open they're eyes,most pilots know this and the few bell end's doing it would maybe realise that it wasn't cool and that poeple do get pissed of with them,a pilot with a blue black white wing flies over my house which is on the approach to lyneham and in the west side of swindon in a built up area it is resrticted air space and they fly at around 500-800 ft only a little lower than the herc's it is only a matter of time,name and shame i say

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bit of self policing is needed i think ,if you know of a pilot doing this it is your job to tell him/her is being a tit

I quite agree.

a pilot with a blue black white wing flies over my house which is on the approach to lyneham and in the west side of swindon in a built up area it is resrticted air space and they fly at around 500-800 ft only a little lower than the herc's it is only a matter of time,

It sounds like this pilot needs a bit of re-education for his own safety at the very least :shock:



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I have been trying to suss out who this is for quite a while now...

I will pay for your petrol if you jump in the car and follow him next time. (if you can..)

At least try and get a pic for the forum.


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Hello everyone, normally not a big fan of online forums, I have to speak up now.

This guy is frequently flying that area - shocking!

He was flying on the 02. and 16.June, 02.Juli and he is probably the one flying that beautiful Dudek blue white orange wing seen on 27.Sep (seemed quite big; might even be the Cabrio tandem wing).

He is always operating inside Lyneham controlled airspace - shouldn't the tower know?

Any more sightings?


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Cheers for joining and WELCOME!

Forums are not all bad ;-)

I wonder if it is the RAF guy from Lyneham? If so, he should still notbe flying over a built up area of course....


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It's that bloke Clive Dunce, he's a mate of the Ops Boss and likes to do a 5 mile final using a PAR. Apparently it's good practice for the controllers to trying to guide him down. With regard to flying over a built up areas, does that count while taking off and landing?


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