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Kit stowing on a paramotor.


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Hi all,

I'm keen to do overnight XC, how does one go about attaching a small overnight bag to a rig? Hopefully it would be a daysack type bag.


I just did exactly that at the weekend. I used a rectangular shaped bag and secured it with both it's own strap, and also a bungee (sort of belt and braces), underneath the harness seat. Worked perfectly, but be aware that the extra weight makes a difference.


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Hi TJ, the bag was about 500mmx300mmx300mm, sort of about 2/3 the area of the bottom of the harness seat that I fastened it underneath. It had my tent at 2300 grammes and sleeping bag at 1600 grammes. The bag itself was probably another 500 grammes.

My GPS & radio were about 2000 grammes once you include various plugs, adapters and back up batteries, and I had a bag of tools and odds and sods which was about another 1500 grammes

Then of course there was the reserve which is no lightweight plus me, and I'm no lightweight either.


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Don't take a tent just a piece of thin plastic or rip stop nylon that you can put over your paramotor then peg out to cover you and the wing.

Light weight sleeping bag folded loosely in to the harness then get in.

Get a small rucksack and put it on backwards ie it is on your front.

Pete b :D

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I'm actually designing a single skin 'tent' that will use the motor as it's support, and therefore cover the motor as well. I think I can get the weight down to about 500g :-)

You've probably already thought of it but when I was in the Air Cadets (and many times since!) we would camp under ponchos. I bought one a couple of years ago pretty cheaply which weighs next to nothing and fits in its own pocket, small enough to fit in your hand. These have eyelets around them which would make them easy to attach to the motor, bungee to trees or peg into the ground.

The green/camo army ones have poppers down the side so if a few of you are going you can join them together to make a larger shared shelter.

And they also double as ...................... ponchos!

Available here - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_rdc=1&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm38%26_nkw%3D350211090441%26_fvi%3D1&item=350211090441&viewitem=&salenotsupported

Or more recently we have discovered gore-tex bivi bags. Fantastic pieces of kit but not big enough to fit the motor into.

Best regards,


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My mate and I were bought a survival weekend for christmas by our other halves and turned up with our ponchos and gore-tex bivis. Needless to say it pissed down all night and most of our fellow survivees ended up in the large refugee shelter erected by the organisers for those who couldn't stand being in their leaking shelters any longer. It was difficult not being smug in the morning seeing all of the miserable, tired, soggy faces when we had enjoyed such a lovely, warm, snug and dry nights kip! :D

The ex and currently serving military survival course staff were suitably impressed with our "Gucci" kit.

Can't recommend highly enough!


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  • 1 month later...
Having spend about 1000 weekends on outdoor Milltary / survival excersises I am happy to say that it is the single best bit of kit you can own for outdoor / expedition / Camping life.


Si, it just occurred to me that that works out as almost every weekend for twenty years outdoors! :shock:


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  • 2 weeks later...
How would soft saddle/pannier bags do (sort of thing you get for motorbikes)? - pair of them made up and arranged to strap one each side of the frame? - would something along those lines be practical

I have seen pics on a US site of a guy who fitted some old ammo pouches, the type normally attached to webbing, on the side of his motors swing arms, it looked a good idea :D


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