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Crisp if not hot morning flight!!


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I see the Kent branch must be asleep or something?

Anybody flying?

Well after partying the weekend, I missed out on a couple of oppurtune flights.

My other half has got tired of my excuses.......I've drunk too much, the wind is a little high, the wind is in the wrong direction, ohhhh those fluffy clouds look as if they're working over time etc etc!!

So, this morning I got my shit together before work and flew ..................tee shirt and shorts flying!!!

I had everything packed the night before..................I had confidence in the weather guru's.

At the field, failed reverse launch, noticed the breeze had dropped and so did a forward launch - perfect that man!!

I think even the horses in the adjacent field missed me and were curious at the fence!

It was just perfect at about 8.30 this morning , good visibility and no thermals as of yet, although there were one or two minor bumps but just spot on!!

Watching the traffic building up at Clackets Lane whilst cruising along, I was miles away...........

Hey, makes it all worth while.

This week is looking good for flights so I intend to cram them in and make up for lost time!

Be lucky people (and safe!)


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I fly from J3-M25 (Swanley) more or less?

I fly from a field that my daughter rides from and the owner is happy for it to be used because its out of the way a bit and they tend to get broken into every now and then! The owner likes the idea of people milling about on the land.

Yep, you would be more than welcome, I will post you a message.

Although..............................I have just broken my first prop this morning!!!

It was a nil wind start everything got up perfectly and then the wing was overtaking me so before I got into trouble I killed the motor and stopped running. after catching my breath I analized what went wrong? i wasnt running fast enough - no!.......anyway boiled down to not giving it enough welly! I always make sure that when I am running and after the wing is up I lean back and face 11 o'clock so my angle of thrust is right......................but just forgot to apply more power. Dropped on my bum!!!!!!

I then realised before taking off the prop had a small split in it, I still carried out my second attempt perfectly and got into the sky. I noticed a little more vibration and this was transmitted through the risers........was it always like that or was it the split I noticed? I was already formulating my question to put on the forum with reference to prop repair.

Anyway came in to land slightly cross wind and landed on my feet then toppled and must of broken the prop then?

But the flight was spot on again with perfect weather!

So yes Dave, more than welcome, I will check with the owner but I cant see any problems with it?

Better order that prop.


ps question is wooden prop or carbon fibre? Will I still be breaking props so is it better to have wooden ones for the time being until I nail the landings a bitter more refined? I am still sub 10 hours.....9.5hours to be precise?

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Hi Mike.

Good to see that you are (were) having fun!

For what it's worth if money were no object I would put another carbon prop on your machine as it looks so good and suits it.

How buggered is the old prop? Might be worth driving/sending it to Keith at Matfield for him to fix. That way you would at least have a spare ready for next time!!!

Once your prop's sorted I would definately be up for a fly from your field if possible? The Detling field is unuseable at the moment as its almost thigh high with grass.


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Hi Ian,

What, aren't the sheep chomping at it enough?

Although saying that the field where I fly from the grass is beginning to flourish, but is still usable.

No problem reference flying, I will let you know and I think it was Dave when I get my prop (now ordered - went for wood)

If I suss out how to post a photo I will to show you?!

I dont think the prop is repairable but I'll get a photo up to show.


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Thanks Mike, let me know when you are up and running and I will pop down, I have just had to replace my prop too after busting it, maybe Simon should start selling props in the PMC shop, judging by the amount of "bust propr" posts in recent times he would make a killing LOL.


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The sheep have been gone for quite a while (the cute fluffy little ones are probably already on peoples dinner plates!). It usually gets cut before the Kent county show mid July as they use the field as a giant overflow carpark (we took off between some of the straglers cars at the tail end of last years show!), so it will hopefully be on line again soon.

Be wary of your long grass when you replace your big prop. I have heard that long grass can take out props?

Thanks for the offer of flying from yours. You are most welcome to come down to the field in Ivychurch when have your new prop fitted. Do you still have my number?



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I've not had a prop taken out by grass before but it makes a hell of a mess of the prop and cage! I find that either the decorators hand wipes or UPVC window wipes are ideal for cleaning props/cages. They make the job really easy!

My field is just about unusable now until it's recut for hay:(



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Your Ivychurch sounds great as I recall. Nice and flat. Might be the perfect place to try my Revolution out as i havent flown that yet, only the Nemo. I want to try it from a nice open field first...............a bit like Detling.

Hows Andy these days, havent heard from him re lessons?


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Yeah, Ivychurch is a massive, open, flat turf field with closely cropped grass. It's in the middle of the Romney Marsh which is also billiard table flat and makes for nice laminar winds. You are welcome to fly from there with me whenever you want.

Andy is fine. I had a nice hour long flight with him yesterday morning from Sheppey.

If I can help with the cage bending then just ask.

Best regards,


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Thanks for offer......................I might even take you up on it?

Its not that bad, just that the clearance is about 4 inches at the top and only 1 inch at the bottom.

I intend to bolt the base down and gently push or pull the top depending how you look at it?


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