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Revolution flying weight

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Hi All,

I decided to weigh myself to gain an understanding of wing weight

Also I thought I was slightly more lightweight than I am

127KG me

6 KG ish Revo 30

4 KG ish Reserve

38KG 2 hours of fuel + Macro

total weight is 175 hanging underneath 30 sq Metres fabric

giving a loading of 175/30 = 5.83 KG per square metre wing loading.

Please can any other Revolution flyers do the sums and tell me if they are near my wing loading on a Revo.

If you are, how are the Nil wind launches, any special tips please


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Eeek, you are scarily close to me before I went on a diet and went to the gym. I had a Revo 31 and used to fly it with a Macro. I am 6'7" and used to have to run like hell to get airborne in nil wind and fell a couple of times trashing my prop. I did some sums, listened to a few wise heads and bought a Synth 34.

The problem isn't that the combo won't do the job, its just that when you are learning you need a combination that is more forgiving of poor technique. At least that is what I found.

I bought a (Dudek) Synthesis 34 and decided that a Fresh Breeze Monster was a better compromise. It was and is for me. The Monster is far more tolerant of being bashed about as the prop/cage clearance is more shall we say, utilitarian.

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76KG me (lean and mean)

6 KG ish Revo 26

4 KG ish reserve

27KG motor

7KG Fuel

total weight is approx 120KG hanging underneath 26 sq Metres fabric

giving a loading of 120/26 = 4.6KG per square metre wing loading.

A bit lighter on my wing than you, also long legs help me run full tilt on a forward launch, no special tips just get the wing overhead, run flat out and apply full power, I find a "hint" of brake when you can run no faster will lift you.

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Me 79 kg

Motor 23kg

Fuel 5kg

no reserve yet!!!

Reo 26. 6KG

Try to inflate the wing and apply full power all in one motion. The prop wash will help inflate the wing bringing the wing up fast. Run like stink and apply a little dab on the breaks at point of no return, Up you go.

You will land fast in nil wind on a rev so bleed the speed before the flaire.

Or cheat and get your Alpha 3 free flying wing.

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As I understand it, you now have a (42) square meter tandem wing as a replacement.

Cant wait to see you do a reverse in high wind.

I personally think that you have gone WAY over the top with the size.

The Cabrio is a nice wing, of that there is no doubt BUT a 42 mate. WHY WHY WHY WHY I am confused?


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Fuel shouldn't be included in AUW calculations.

AUW = Paramotor + wing + reserve + pilot + gadgets

Fuel is a variable which might not be there. The effect of its weight not being there is potentially more significant than its inclusion.

Agree with the above post... at most be slightly over on a R30 or a S34 but to go to a tandem would make reversing very difficult (bordering dangerous in some cases) and nil wind forwarding very hard work.

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It is correct, I could not help myself, I now have a lovely cabrio 42,

my wing loading is 180kg /42 = 4.28 wing load.

its all personal opinion on whats best, if I dont try I wont know for me

My therory is I would like a fusion 36 or 33 maybe less, but I can't afford it.

So which would I prefer a Nil wind on the albatross or the Revo. When I have mastered it probably the Fusion

my weakness lies in rotation

I can always get it up in the wind. I just have trouble getting off :lol:

I see this wing as a stop gap until I can afford one of them fusion things,

I will let you know how I get on


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I know we were planning on doing a flight together out of Tetsworth but I didn't realise that we could both use the same wing, do you have a tandem harness?

Not sure I will be able to fly my revo slow enough to stay with you and maintain flight integrity LOL

Seriously though hope you get your motor sorted soon and get back in the air.

See you soon


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I know we were planning on doing a flight together out of Tetsworth but I didn't realise that we could both use the same wing, do you have a tandem harness?

Not sure I will be able to fly my revo slow enough to stay with you and maintain flight integrity LOL

Seriously though hope you get your motor sorted soon and get back in the air.

See you soon


Hi Eddie,

I hope to get my motor this afternoon and may try and go back to the common leys tommorow night who know

I need to do some serious ground handling


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What is the situation with regards to using Common leys to fly from? Give me a call any time you are in the area to fly and I will join you. Not a good idea to be on your own to take off anyway.

Planning to go down to the flagpole on Wednesday if the weather is ok.

See you soon


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What is the situation with regards to using Common leys to fly from? Give me a call any time you are in the area to fly and I will join you. Not a good idea to be on your own to take off anyway.

Planning to go down to the flagpole on Wednesday if the weather is ok.

See you soon


Yes I'd be interested in the status of Common Leys as well. I would make a nice change from my normal field and serve as a nice alternative when my field is overgrown!


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