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Kit for starting out

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I'm due to start training, as soon as the weather lets up, and will be using one of the instructor's wings for ground handling. So, looking ahead to when I finally take to the air, I've been looking into what I'll be needing - motor and wing wise.

I'm 80kg (that's a fair bit more than the last time I weighed myself, so not only have all my clothes shrunk but the scales are faulty too) :oops:

Wing - Paramania Revolution ( I'm guessing I should go for the 80-170 size )

Motor - Parajet Volution Compact

I'll be buying both new. Is this setup suitable for a novice? Obviously, I'll be taking advice from my instructor but there's no harm in planning ahead. What say you?

Feel free to suggest alternatives within that price range ( £6Kish - or less - for wing and motor )



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I'm due to start training, as soon as the weather lets up, and will be using one of the instructors wings for ground handling. So, looking ahead to when I finally take to the air, I've been looking into what I'll be needing - motor and wing wise.

I'm 80kg (that's a fair bit more than the last time I weighed myself, so not only have all my clothes shrunk but the scales are faulty too) :oops:

Wing - Paramania Revolution ( I'm guessing I should go for the 80-170 size )

Motor - Parajet Volution Compact

I'll be buying both new. Is this setup suitable for a novice? Obviously, I'll be taking advice from my instructor but there's no harm in planning ahead. What say you?

Feel free to suggest alternatives within that price range ( £6Kish - or less - for wing and motor )



see my classified bud,

as new, full set up for sale with a macro, apcor thrust hp ( your size ), helmet, headset the full monty

same weight but much more power meaning longer flights, all my buds upgraded from bolutions to macro's for this reason.

if you want a chat and a bloody good deal pm me your number.


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Dave, depends on how you get on with Mark but the kit you suggested is great, if you are thinking of losing a few KG's then the next size down Revo may be better suited to you, flew that combination a few weeks ago and loved it (I'm 75KG) so same ball park but as usual your instructor will be the best mine of information and will be able to help you out with hang checks etc.

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I guess you mean the apco thrust hp - well I have absolutely no knowledge so definately ask your instructor.

That's the one. I was intending to buy new gear but this is as good as. Google says that the wing is an intermediate - but I've no idea why or how.


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:lol::lol: Of course, forgive me for stating the blindingly obvious Querty.

Thanks for the input, Norman, opinion is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm normally an impulsive sort of bloke but with paramortoring, I'm finding it very easy to sit back and take advice.


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time to be jumping in here I think.

No! Is the answer without doubt.

If you ask the people who make it, import it, or indeed sell it (as do I) the answer will be no.

Which means.

No I recon.


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time to be jumping in here I think.

No! Is the answer without doubt.

If you ask the people who make it, import it, or indeed sell it (as do I) the answer will be no.

Which means.

No I recon.


Why? In detail.

I'm tending towards your side of the argument to be honest.


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not wanting to open a can of worms, but i have a thrust hp and started out with it from scratch on recommendation from a friend as its very user friendly and stable.

i find it easy to launch - very easy, and bleeds speed off at landing very well, in the air its super stable and when you let the trimmers out it really flies.

there are a few of us that fly this wing as well as a couple with revolutions, and having tried the revolution id have the apco any day..

that said i do agree with simon in a black and white point of view, yes it is classed as a second stage wing, and i do only fly in favourable conditions ie. low wind no risks.

they do say that the dudek is a great beginners wing and good value a 2kish.

good luck

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I'm now totally confused. Help me!


i would ask your instructor, and better still try a few different wings, i went with the apco as im usually a quick learner, and a little impatient, plus, i didnt want to get a total beginners wing at 2k then have to sell it for 1k 6 months later and buy a next level wing at 2k again!

its a tough decision, but your safety comes first so ignore me and consider your instructers advice carefully!

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i aint been involved too long but here is my thoughts its nice to get the fast intermediate wing and some people do and have done ok with them but if you have a bad landin or flair too early an get dropped you will be travelin faster and maybe get more hurt not even hurt but the machine will be i have been involved 12 month now and aint flown loads but i am out every good day there is and i still cant seem to get the landin right i use a big dosey slow wing and dont get hurt if i had been on a faster wing then id prob have busted my machine or maybe got more hurt,so if you are owt like me then these things can happen we all pick things up at different paces and as it is at the moment you dont know the capability of landin these things or flyin them s so i would go with a very safe beginer wing, at least you limit the damage if you have a few bad landings which i think is fair to say you will. the bleedin off speed aint a good thing for beginner as if i am right i think you pull so much brake to reduce speed which creates lift now to do this you got to have good judgement as to were you will land so your landin field needs to be longer , so i personally dont think it is a good thing gettin involved with things like that as a beginner its more to take in and you will have enough going on and thinkin about to start with , anyway thats me done lol good luck

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Try a Reaction good for your first wing and will last you for ages after.

Look at the speed range on all of the wings that are suitable for a first wing and compare them.

You can get some very good second hand reflex wings for around a grand or less now.

Pete b

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mmm fast wing and aint it to be directly above ya head to take off or it falls back i dont know this but ive seen some experienced guys launcin them and they aint succesfull all the time and dont they tend to fal to the side? as far as i am aware not an easy wing to ground handle i maybe wrong as i have never owned one

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The Apco Thrust HP is an Apco Thrust when the trimmers are fully in, when trimmers are in it has no reflex, but the HP is more heavily loadedthan the Thrust if you are within the weight range. If you have the trimmers in the only reason it is fast is because it is heavily loaded.

So if you are near the bottom of the weight range on a HP, and you only fly it with the trimmers in until you are more experienced, then it is a good beginner wing, in fact the Apco Thrust is considered by many to be the best beginner wing available.

When you become more experienced, it is still easiest to launch and land the Thrust HP with trimmers fully in, this makes launching and landing very easy, once flying you can open the trimmers and you will keep up with the fastest reflex wings.

However it turns like a bus, best if you only fly in straight lines.

Paul D

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mmm fast wing and aint it to be directly above ya head to take off or it falls back i dont know this but ive seen some experienced guys launcin them and they aint succesfull all the time and dont they tend to fal to the side? as far as i am aware not an easy wing to ground handle i maybe wrong as i have never owned one

Thanks leoibb, but could you paragraph your replies. It's hard work trawling through yourprobablyinformativeresponses.



Cheers anyways

Could someone explain the difference between a novice and an intermediate wing?

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The Apco Thrust HP is an Apco Thrust when the trimmers are fully in, when trimmers are in it has no reflex, but the HP is more heavily loadedthan the Thrust if you are within the weight range. If you have the trimmers in the only reason it is fast is because it is heavily loaded.

So if you are near the bottom of the weight range on a HP, and you only fly it with the trimmers in until you are more experienced, then it is a good beginner wing, in fact the Apco Thrust is considered by many to be the best beginner wing available.

When you become more experienced, it is still easiest to launch and land the Thrust HP with trimmers fully in, this makes launching and landing very easy, once flying you can open the trimmers and you will keep up with the fastest reflex wings.

just wonderin as i was gonna get one of these wings untill i bumped in to a bloke who has a hp thrust and a revolution and he was sayin he very rarely flies the hp he rather go on the revolution when i asked why his answer was that the revolution is more stable and he dont get bounced about as much, i was wonderin paul whats your thoughts on that? it gets very confusing lol

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