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Nitro 200 vibrations


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I have a nitro 200 and I love it,one of the most important thing to me was the fact it's so light.starting is easy lots of power , as for vibration never really thought about it, or noticed it that much.but then I haven't flown all the different paramotor out there.one thing I do know it's a great paramotor, and like I said earlier it's so light, just brilliant ..beat that. Just my view..


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The Praajet/Moster I had vibrated far more than either my Nitro or Tornado. I think most vibration is caused by prop balance. Using an RC prop balancer will get your prop to a static balance of 0.1 gram...then it will not vibrate. The pic below is an RC £12 prop balancer with a shaft machined to fit my AC blades. This will balance to an accuracy of a 1 cm2 piece of prop tape on the end of a blade. 


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The Moster engine is about the best there is in terms of power to weight IMO. If you want lightweight and smoothness then the Atom 80 is awesome. Personally I wouldn't consider a Nitro these days - I've only tried one once but it was very uncomfortable with vibration whilst on tickover and there are few few design aspects I dislike. Each to their own. 

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I don't agree Steve. The Tornado is by far the best for power to weight. I have used Moster 185, Polini 200, Nitro and Tornado.

Moster has more umph than Nitro but not even close to Tornado....which is still lighter than the Moster!

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Reading your posts is like a deja vu event Andy - I know what's coming before you write it. 

It's a wonder the majority of pilots don't fly the same machine you, seeing as they are the most perfect machine ever created. ;-)  

For any new pilots reading this, don't just focus on weight or thrust or anything else any of us might suggest as the biggest and best. Try to fly more than one machine if you can and consider comfort, reliability, build quality, attention to detail, flight characteristics & geometry and perhaps biggest of all, after sales support.   

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On 08/06/2020 at 01:01, Steve said:

The Moster engine is about the best there is in terms of power to weight IMO. If you want lightweight and smoothness then the Atom 80 is awesome. Personally I wouldn't consider a Nitro these days - I've only tried one once but it was very uncomfortable with vibration whilst on tickover and there are few few design aspects I dislike. Each to their own. 

I have had 2 mosters, 1 nitro & 1 atom 80. The atom 80 is by far the best in the vibration/noise/weight department, but obviously not in power. I am 88kg & its adequate for me, even on a hadronxx 20m. I like the atom so much I sold my spare moster & ordered another atom (as a spare as I fly close to 200 hrs/year & dont like to have downtime). My empty weight on a skymax expedition frame is under 20kg

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On ‎07‎/‎06‎/‎2020 at 19:27, Steve said:

For any new pilots reading this, don't just focus on weight or thrust or anything else any of us might suggest as the biggest and best. Try to fly more than one machine if you can and consider comfort, reliability, build quality, attention to detail, flight characteristics & geometry and perhaps biggest of all, after sales support.   

For anyone over 40.... I would place weight at number 1 Spares second to that
For anyone under 40... I would place spares at number 1 and weight second to that :) 
And that's if you can afford to be fussy!
£5000+ is a large stack of cash so "fussy" only extended to "reparability" for me (aluminum frame // GY6 engine).... heavy, ugly, gutless but very cheap spares.... Gets me into the air for the odd 100 mile xc now and again :) 

Atom 80 weight would be utter BLISS!

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Just adding my  little bit for anyone thinking of getting a new bit of kit. Ive only owned 3 motors so far, a PAP top 80, a Zenith with a moster and my new PAP Tinox with a moster 2020. I have flown a few others while training including a Atom and a EOS100.   They are all pretty different i must say. Atom and the EOS were the quietest and smoothest but obviously not that much power. Great for really light pilots im sure. My top 80 was a really nice thing to fly you just had quite a bit of running to do to get it off the ground. It was smooth and really economical. Then came the Zenith! I never got on with it to be honest. Really uncomfortable, heavy and vibrated loads. I had the prop balanced but it was never very smooth. I also found the Arms we really high up under my arms making it really uncomfortable in flight. And now my new PAP Tinox with a moster. Much lighter than the Zenith (or feels much lighter) and really comfortable in flight.  The 2020 moster is way better than the old version with a much flatter spread of power and much smoother. I was put off the moster after my zenith but having spoken to quite a few schools who put loads of hours on these things the moster was coming out as a favourite. Im glad i went with it now as its a marked improvement on my old model... The PAP is really easy to assemble and take apart and pretty much on par with others on price too. Well worth a look for anyone considering a new bit of kit. 

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