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Recommendations please guys

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Currently been using runway hd which is just too expensive, so im not going to renew my subscription.

I have downloaded memory maps which Ive yet to try but I would like an instrument to tell me height and speed any recommendations would be helpful.

Cheers George 

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I went with a naviter Oudie 4, it’s an expensive outlay but once you have bought it the updates are free. There is a subscription service but it is not needed for normal function and manly for used for competition route planning.


i weight it up as 5 years of runway hd would cover the outlay if buying it, it has more functionality can set up the screen to show which ever data you require and In your chosen location and size.

The biggest selling point for me was having a standalone unit designed to do ONE job, I think we rely too much on our phones and if it fails,battery dies or you drop taking a selfie you are knackered.


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2 hours ago, andyy said:

I think we rely too much on our phones and if it fails,battery dies or you drop taking a selfie you are knackered.


I nearly dropped my phone once. It made me do something better. I now use extendable key chain devices to attach anything I love dearly and don't want to drop. I have a rear case for my phone, with a hole drilled through it and the key chain attached. The other end is attached inside a flying suit pocket. When I go flying I just slot my phone into the captive case. In my same pocket I have a battery bank which can run the phone for 5 hours with gps maps running.

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I have my phone fitted with a lanyard on its aftermarket case. I wouldn't fly with anything without a lanyard. I also have a battery bank to extend run time, cold conditions really shorten battery life.

Try EasyVFR basic on your phone. It is free and updates airspace regularly and provides notam coverage.

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