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Dazman. Training blog.


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Well done Dazman,

I bet you're still buzzin'. Your first flight experiences so much mirror my own it's uncanny, it's a horrible feeling when you suddenly realise that you don't know where you are isn't it!

I expect Norman will be contacting you soon with details on how to join the broken prop club :D



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It was a privilege being there for your first flight. You did very well and you looked like you really enjoyed it. I've made the disk of photographs to send to you but here are some to be going on with.





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Great blog Darren, felt like I was there with you.

Most important bit though, as it is a different field I am hoping to go up in the next couple of days and need to know if there are any nettles and will I need my ointment? LOL.

seriously though I hope we get to fly together soon.



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Lovely bit of reading that and of course so many similar things to what we've all been through!

The one generic thing that everyone seems to be familiar with is that beaming grin, mine gets bigger with each flight and every time that I learn succesfuly to do something new, I was in the sky on Saturday for the first time in ages after lots of mental issues, I'm still grinning about it now!

Look forward to reading about your 2nd go!

Stay safe!


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I have just been chatting to Jeff Goin of US PPG fame. He has a lovely expression, "If there's air there, it should be flown in." I think when you get airborne for the first time you start something in your life that is never, ever going to go away.

What a pleasure it is to see this belief reinforced so graphically when someone climbs into he sky by themselves for the first time.

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Always great to hear of another success. Thanks for reminding me of the buzz of that first flight.

Don't be down about prop damage on landing - everyone has or will 'kiss' a prop sometime - doing it take-off and missing that flight is much more serious!

Take care getting all the flies out of your teeth!:D:D:D



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I know I'm not always popular for saying it, and time will tell, I'll grant you, but you dont have to accept broken props as the norm anymore. I do see your point, well made, that it does happen to many and have seen 5 broken. A simple fall on TO or landing is all it takes. Choice of equipment can vastly reduce the occurance if not elliminate it, dare I be so bold. I will, however, be honest with everyone and confess if it does happen to me. Watch this space but dont hold your breath!

Not forgetting the subject of this thread. WELL done to the guy who got up for his first. The early flights are a great learning curve and very memorable. Enjoy


Still learning on every flight ( 60 hours )

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Just to say thank you to everyone who's posted comments and congratulations and encouragement. All much appreciated. Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you at the next fly in.

Cheers and best regards


6 and 7 September.

Look forward to flying with you :D:D

Pete b

that's if me under carriage is up to it???

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