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Places to fly round the West Midlands

Richard Davies

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I have moved up to the West Midlands from Kent and am an experienced Paramotor pilot. Do you know if there are any good / legal places to fly from? I was lucky in Kent I had a huge field opposite my house which I was allowed to use as and when I wanted.

I was also potentially looking for a local club to join. 




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  • 3 months later...

Hi Guys,

I'm looking for a place in West Midlands, Staffordshire etc. to fly paratrike. I hava all the gear ready, just need a field near to fly.
Bit about me. I live in Wolverhampton. I started paramotoring year ago but due to back problems had to abandon it for a while. The back is better now but I still wouldn't risk to take off with a paramotor hence a trike. I looking for people from the area to fly with and the field to practice.

alan_k are still flying in Wombourne?

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  • 7 months later...

Hi alan_k I live in stourbridge and have been few places around my local area to ask for permission to use fields but no luck....I noticed you mentioned you use a private field in wombourne which isn't too far from me do you think I could get permission to use field too or do you have suggestions of any others? Any help would be appreciated thanks

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Hi Steve,

I would love to offer you use of the field but the landowner would rather keep a low profile as the field is used for other activities occasionally, so has restricted PPG to just me, sorry.

GeoffW and I fly some times from a farm near Bridgenorth, another pilot there would be no problem.

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On 05/08/2019 at 17:00, Steven greenwood said:

Hi alan_k I live in stourbridge and have been few places around my local area to ask for permission to use fields but no luck....I noticed you mentioned you use a private field in wombourne which isn't too far from me do you think I could get permission to use field too or do you have suggestions of any others? Any help would be appreciated thanks

It took me 3 weekends of driving up and down farm tracks before I got a yes. These places are hard to find and hard to keep!

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On 05/08/2019 at 17:00, Steven greenwood said:

Hi alan_k I live in stourbridge and have been few places around my local area to ask for permission to use fields but no luck....I noticed you mentioned you use a private field in wombourne which isn't too far from me do you think I could get permission to use field too or do you have suggestions of any others? Any help would be appreciated thanks

Hi mate and everyone in this stream .

I've been in touch with a farmer over in alvechurch . Hes interested in letting is use his land . I wont be able to meet him until the end of august due work commitments but when I have I will be in touch to let you know the outcome . 

I've mentioned that there could be up 5/6 pilots and ofcouse we may need to pay him a small amount for the privilege but it could a nice little meeting place for the local pilots . 

Stay safe guys and I'll be in touch 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi lads I'll be going to see the farmer in the next week or so . 

If you are interested in flying from there could you pm me your numbers ? 

I'll add you to a WhatsApp group and keep you posted about what the farmer says . Ie numbers he will allow , cost if any and rules . 

Alternatively just WhatsApp me your name and locations on 07787520152



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  • 5 months later...

Hi all. 

So we have secured a field over alvechurch .

The farmer has agreed a price of £10 per man per day . No limit on the amount of pilots and we can also camp there at a cost of £10 per night . Myself and one other person have keys for the gates . 

If you are interested in flying the field when the weather gets better and I am back in the country then get in touch . 

My number is further up on this thread . 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


Turning out to be a smaller world than i thought. i live in sedgley and have finished my training. I actually met alan down wombourne a while back by chance (not sure he remembers me) and then saw him again in passing at his private field. Didnt know about this forum until now but thought id join as i see a few locals. Jock has also helped me out a lot on fb. i actually bought my motor off his friend Paul.


Would be good to all have a meet up if this weather ever improves

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