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Epsilon 3

Mark Pugh

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I know it's an old wing, but I have a brand new (less than 5 hours) Advance Epsilon 3 from 1999. It would only be worth getting it tested if it would be at all suitable as a first paramotor wing. Did anyone ever try this particular wing for paramotoring? Picture of wing on a test slope in 2017, first time out of bag in ten years.

I am aware of much better safety on later wings, but this was a beginner wing made by a huge company who were always top notch at quality. Can it be flown with a motor? If I could fly this wing even if only for ten flights, it would mean I could afford a better engine now whilst I saved for a better wing later. Does this make any sense?

I understand it's not ideal, but I also understand that some wings were just never suitable for paramotoring. Or required different risers. Anyone use a engine with Advance canopies?


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I started on a Trekking paraglider and flew for 30 hours before moving onto a more modern reflex wing.

The Trekking was like a truck in comparison. The Epsilon is suitable for tow or winch launch, whether that makes it more suitable for power I don't know, maybe others do.

The manual is available here http://para2000.org/wings/manuals/advance-epsilon3.pdf

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We trained with Dave Bullard's outfit in 1996 on the Epsilon 1 (and later with the Epsilon 2). Never had any issues with either under power, albeit a slow wing, but never flew the 3rd version. E1&2 had super easy launching. From memory, I think the E1 was the wing which needed it's lines stretching occasionally.

Make sure it's fully serviced/tested before flying.


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  • 1 month later...

WOW, that could really help, THANK YOU.

I was aware it was suitable for towing (used to have my own static line tow in Australia), just had no idea if it could be suitable for paramotor, but if you used the Epsilon 1 and 2 for paramotoring, it would seem likely to be worth a go. To get it tested will cost about £120 but if I could just get my first few flights on it, I could afford to buy a better second-hand motor and keep saving for a better wing in 6 months time.

As you can see from the picture, it was last used on a small test hill in 2017; it flew like a charm, this is the first flight for my 15 year old son, after two runs on the flat to get prepared!!!! It looks great in flight, no wrinkles or creases, brakes worked a dream. I would not be throwing it around and B-Line stalls or anything. But don't wish to be the first person to ever try the combination either!!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

1 of the Martin's who comes to Winglands flies an Epsilon (possibly a 5), it Launches very easily but you'll be glad you didn't as yes it's stable but extremely sllooowwwww (flying Sofa).

So you chose a wise decision.

Just clicked you bought Matt's Revo 2.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, seemed a nice guy. The revo 2 was a combination of right price, right age and suitable for a low hours PPG pilot. A few tried to encourage me to get something faster (ITV Billy) but they are so much more money and EN-C rated. Very pleased with this combination, only had 7 hours of flying so far, but don't expect to change anything soon. If I want to get somewhere fast, it will not be on my PPG !!!


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  • 5 years later...

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