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Support for older engines


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I will be doing my training soon with Simon but in the mean time I've been doing some thorough research into paramotors as I will probably have to go down the second hand route when I come to buy one. I've noticed many for sale have older engines (for example Ros 100, Raket 120, HE120) which I'm unable to find much info with regards to servicing and spares. I am worried that even if I found one with a completely sound engine I would struggle to have it fixed if and when it develops a fault. Perhaps support for these engines is available but I'm unable to find much on Google.

Does anyone have any opinions on what it is like finding support for older engines?




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If possible i would steer clear of the OLD engines and some Old Paramotors..  As a new pilot you need to keep getting our feet of the ground not be stuck waiting 2-3 months poss longer for a cage quarter or a piston etc...  Even some of the newer Paramotors Can be a nightmare to get parts for.. 


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You will find no problems with support or spares for Top 80 engines.  There are at least 2 dealers in the UK, one in Ireland and several in France.  There is a very responsive Yahoo group and a fantastic US site with all sorts of tutorials.  Miniplane and PAP fit them as standard and there maybe some others too. 

It's not the most powerful engine, but it's reliable, light, quiet and fuel efficient.  Bear in mind, that in the hands of a beginner, a powerful engine is sometimes more of a menace than a help.

But the main thing is to get your training done first, then you will have a much better idea of what will suit your flying style.


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  • 5 months later...

Until recently I was running a couple of Rads. All the motor spares ( Rakett 120cc)can be got from the Swedish Factory where they make them. For small parts ask them to send by normal post, not courier, as this can be expensive for small parts. As for the rest, the frames are weldable, and the pulley bearings appear to be standard size. All this is no use to you if you are 80KG+ as these light (21Kg) paramotors are better for lighter pilots. I am 72kg.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just picking up on an old thread here. Not directly related but....................had my old Yamaha XT600 serviced yesterday and talking to the service guy (older chap 65+) he was talking to me about the corrosion caused by modern fuels. He has experienced tanks, fuel lines, carb bowls etc. all being rotted away by fuel sitting in the system and unused for several months. He has been told that it is the additives in modern fuels which are responsible, and recommends draining down as much as possible on any engine not being used for more than 10 weeks.

If I don't use my trike for a month or so I chock it on all 3 wheels and run it on a fast tickover for 5 minutes in the garage just to keep everything lubricated.

I wondered if anyone has suffered internals rotting away at all?

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The manual for KENI made it very clear that you MUST turn it off by cutting the fuel supply and allowing the system to run dry (for the reason above) 

My Lawnmower man, says to do the same with my garden mower (for the reason above) 

I am not sure how safe this option is (assuming you had a fuel tap) with a 2 stroke engine though... ( I am not advising that you do this as I 'think' it's bad for 2 stroke engines as when the fuel is running out there will be way more air in the mix if only for a short time.)

Just adding to the thread... 


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