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Bear Grylls Mission Everest Forum.


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Awesome documentary!! You really are a credit to the sport and both Rich and I are loving every minute of our flying machines!

Congratulations to you both for completing such a daunting task, i was even nervous while watching the final launch!!

Keep up the amazing work and we both can't wait to see your next invention!

Jason Jenkins & Rich Danby.

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I've been following this story since I first heard about it. I was gutted when Discovery got the first airing in November in the US. but I suppose that was a sponsorship and schedule issue. it was well worth the wait though!

Giles, my wife was as rivetted with the story as I was. She often nags about me getting in harm's way to get a shot. Watching that tonight I finally got to ask "Do you want me to do THAT instead then?"

This sport has Definately gone to my "MUST DO THIS YEAR" list. Just give her indoors time to redo the insurance :lol:

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When you test flew the motors in the U.K, did you have to restrict them in any way due to higher atmospheric pressure at lower altitude, and if not what approx. thrust was achieved at low altitude as well as high altitude?

Congratulations on design, engineering & accomplishment of the whole project . You must be very Proud!!

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Hi there, we flew specially made Revolutions by Paramania, they were 36 square metres, with extra large trim adjusters. The top speeds were about 55mph, if you go to my website www.parajet.com you will see on the diary page all the data from bears GPS, this gives you a good idea of the ground speed up to 25,005 ft

All the best., Gilo

Questions if I may

I am interested to know which wing you flew and if they were modded in any way.


I am wondering as the air must be so thin up there what were the groundspeeds into wind and downwind

many thanks

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Yep, Jackie was a bit concerned after watching, so we can understand what your wiv 8)8) e's were going through. And a massive relief for them when you landed.

Hoping you get time to fly a leg or two with us on the Tip to Tip.

Mike 8)8)8):lol:

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Due to a) lateness

b) Gilos Wife and new Baby :D

We are going to call it a night..........

not quite as expected in the forum but I think all agreed a great film!!!

Giles will answer ALL of the questions asked here in the next few day's so please keep looking back.

You can join the Rotary List if your interested in the engine on the Parajet homepage. www.parajet.com

Thanks to all of you for logging in!! The server just managed it!!!!

Again, sorry for the delay and all questions will be answered :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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Gilo and Bear... Went round to a friends house to explain what was going on at airtime. Couldn't. Got back to my folks place for the evening. More questions - I made them Sky+ it...

How much poetic licence did you have to put up with the narrative in order to keep sponsors happy?? Can I have a parajet please (only a small one), What happened with the S charger? Was it pure O2 or a helox mix or summat - Can't remember what the old fool thought it might be!!

On the subject though, If you have got a spare parajet lying about....

Knew the result a long old while ago, but you must still be chuffed to £u@k that a bit of your kit could do that. Well done boys, and I hope that the programme does wonders for your sport and livelihoods

Kindest Regards

FM. :lol:

All the best with the Little'un. May your days be airborne and your nights be helped by sudafed.

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Hi Giles,

I was wondering about the amount of torque that such a big heavey coarse pitched prop would produce. Did you have to correct that in flight ? or did the standard parajet swining arm compensate without modification?

I might have missed that but was the prop pitch variable in flight?

All the best,Francis

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This is just a nice bit of Mission Everest Gossip for you.......

You may be asking yourself.... What 'casued' Bears Cravat during the practice flight's :?:

The answer is a simple one......



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Hi Gilo

Great programme and well done on your achievement.

Just a quick question (which properly has a simple answer), is why you and Bear didn't have to pre-breath oxygen before hand to cleanse the body of all nitrogen? Is this because you were using a 'new' system?



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Amazing feat for both of you. My heart went out to Gilo when he had to come back and not fly over with Bear - after going through so much to get so far it must have been gutting. Balls of steel? Would have been balls for earings if those boys had got it wrong!! Well done. Awesome. Loved it!!!

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Gilo, Bear (and the rest of the team!)

What you have done has had an amazing effect on the sport in the UK. I have lost count (actually!!) lost count of the number of training enquiries, Parajet enquiries, I have had since the Everest film!

I have today had an enquiry from a guy who has been told that he will not be alive in 12 months time, he wants to fly for that last 12 months and has been inspired by your efforts. He is starting his training as soon as it's flyable!

Calls like this put everything else in to perspective for me.


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