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Posts posted by morgy

  1. copied from Paramotor forum

    There are plans for the UK's largest Paramotoring and Paragliding show in 2015

    Set in the beautiful surroundings of North Wales this summer - Parafest 2015.

    The UK's first festival of flight dedicated to paragliding and paramotors.

    Market area, demo's and displays, fun comps and entertainment for all.

    Paragliding and paramotoring for suitably skilled and insured pilots.

    Camp and show ground all within the bottom landing fields of the popular free flying site Llangollen, North Wales, June 12-14.

    Downhill mountain bike track also available for use with regular uplifts for bikes and pilots.

    On site bar, live music Friday and Saturday nights in the marquee and all weekend camping.

    Website with full details January 2015



    Could this be UK's equivalent to the coupe Icare??

  2. Hi Notch

    The Matrix has a very strong cage hoop and legs, It does have a softer lower foot sections to absorb some impact and not transfer it to the cage unless you do have a hard one off course.. :wink:

    The Cage hoop has a 5 ish mm stainless steel cable running inside to tension it and make it really ridged..

    It also has a couple of really neat design features on the chassis to allow you to offset for different amounts or torque or different amounts of weight shift depending on what your doing.. Or if your just a big pilot.

    I have allot of different wings so if i am going out thermalling i would set my offset to the widest setting for the most amount of weight shift, i wouldn't need much offset as i wouldn't be using much power. On the other hand if i am flying my Slalom 16m i could have it full offset to one side for max Torque compensation..

    The chassis also has two attachment points for the Harness. If you a taller Pilot you could use the Lower hole to raise the whole machine up on your back and visa versa for shorter pilots..

    IMO the Matrix is easier to assemble and disassemble and packs down much smaller. "a Travel Box will be available soon"

    If you want a zenith you will not be disappointed but if your buying because you want a hornet engine you will be waiting a long time before Parajet bring out a Hornet Zenith... IMO

    I had a Moster zenith for over a year an loved it.

  3. Hi Notch

    The Matrix has a very strong cage hoop and legs, It does have a softer lower foot sections to absorb some impact and not transfer it to the cage unless you do have a hard one off course.. :wink:

    The Cage hoop has a 5 ish mm stainless steel cable running inside to tension it and make it really ridged..

    It also has a couple of really neat design features on the chassis to allow you to offset for different amounts or torque or different amounts of weight shift depending on what your doing.. Or if your just a big pilot.

    I have allot of different wings so if i am going out thermalling i would set my offset to the widest setting for the most amount of weight shift, i wouldn't need much offset as i wouldn't be using much power. On the other hand if i am flying my Slalom 16m i could have it full offset to one side for max Torque compensation..

    The chassis also has two attachment points for the Harness. If you a taller Pilot you could use the Lower hole to raise the whole machine up on your back and visa versa for shorter pilots..

    IMO the Matrix is easier to assemble and disassemble and packs down much smaller. "a Travel Box will be available soon"

    If you want a zenith you will not be disappointed but if your buying because you want a hornet engine you will be waiting a long time before Parajet bring out a Hornet Zenith... IMO

    I had a Moster zenith for over a year an loved it.

  4. There are Very few 250's in the UK..

    Carl Warren, Ricky Thompson both have Mac Fly 250's.. Mark Mason has a 250 V3 and we have recently sold a V3 250 to another guy.. Mark Ridgeway is making a 250 from his 200 phil jennings also has a Frankenstien 250...

    I personally wouldn't have bought one if i knew or any issues with the 250..

    Might be worth sending them a PM via here or Facebook if you want there opinion.

  5. Dede

    It is for Experienced pilots and comp pilots only

    I never said it was for competition only.... But you do have to have a strong background in PG to manage this wing in thermic conditions IE have good active piloting skills..

    The Viper 3 is a dream to fly and is probably the most efficient PPG on the market to date. The climb rate from this wing is unreal and played a huge part in my world time to climb record recently.. I thought you had gone to buy a roadster 2 and had a go on a Viper 3 and bought it.... :oops:

    I know if one of my customers came to me to buy a R2 I would not offer him a go on one of our demo Viper 3's...

  6. Why on earth would you be putting the Viper 3 and the roadster 2 together?? Why would you be test flying the roadster two and viper 3 they are completely different ends of the spectrum.. The viper 3 is for experienced and comp pilots only!! know where does it say intermediate. The Viper 3 is uncertified and should only be flown by competent pilots with a solid PG background....

    I would like to know how long you have been flying dede and why you wanted a roadster 2 ENb and your reasons for buying a High end Comp wing.

  7. We have had an email Back from RMH who looks after all the UK record claims for the BMAA. It seems all our Data is good and we should definitely get the UK and the world record after it's been ratified by the FAI...

    I am looking forward to coming back to the UK and trying all the tandem and solo record...

    watch this space... :lol:

    The Hornet is going to be a very popular machine i recon!!! :lol:

  8. Hi Hann

    I did my attempt just up the road from my house i live in earnley and i flew over Selsey Bill, The air space used to be FL125 but after contacting the CAA it came out that it had been dropped too FL105 in August of this year. This was a surprise to me and also My contact at AUS ops... After many emails back and forth i managed to secure a 3km triangle in my area for the attempt for the whole weekend... The guys at the CAA could not have been anymore helpful. This area is very busy with flights into and out of Heathrow and gatwick...

    The flight level in this area means i am very restricted with pressure anything under 1013mb and i will be very close to popping into very busy airways as i always need to go past the 3000m.

    I have been told i will not be able to attempt anymore record over 3000m in this area so i will have to travel up to Paul Baileys to attempt the 6000m solo and tandem also the max altitude RPF1T 24,000ft and RPF2T 15,106ft.

  9. Jacoolw IMO using thermals is not the best solution... If you can take off and hit the mother of all thermal then your on to a winner but your more than likely hit more sink than lift, so not the best option

    IMO you need a very efficient wing and a powerful motor, One that does not suffer to much from the changes in atmospheric pressure as you climb.. thus the reason for me using the hornet over the Polini 250 "i still need to test to 250"

    The hornet prototype did 3 climbs to 10,000ft in one day with no issues it has also been up over 19,000ft but due to pilot error they had to cancel the rest of the climb...

    I do plan to attempt the other records in the new year..

  10. If chilly flies into your car, yes he is covered for the repair too your car.. BUT the passenger the person who will hit the car first and most likely come off worse, will too take you too court and win and will most likely take his house and car away... at least your have a shinny car in the end... :lol:

    I guess you pays your money you takes your choice....

    You wouldn't ride you Motorbike with someones child on the back if your insurance didn't cover you for pillion passengers would you???

  11. The New Bailey hornet Has Unofficially smashed the current world and UK time to climb too 3000m record by just under 4 minutes...

    The wing used was the New 26m Ozone Viper 3

    I am still waiting for this record too be ratified by the FAI


    Testing so far has proven Great power easy starting and very good eco figures from this new engine...

    We will hopefully be able to supply this new machine early in 2015...

  12. Paul...

    you do not need to "tune" a four stroke.... if the valve clearances are correct 0.004 the carb is set to factory settings and the plug is set to 0.6 thats all you need to do...

    Tuning without a prop on is IMO impossible... Always do it on your back "simple" you shouldn't be starting a motor on the ground anyway!!!!

  13. You "can run" Idle it without the prop but i wouldn't...

    If my memory serves me right the Mixture screw is 1-1/2 turns out...

    why would you try to tune it without the prop on??

    You should always try to avoid leaving fuel in the Float bowl for anything longer than a week or two. The Black pipe on the carb will vent vapour out.

  14. You "can run" Idle it without the prop but i wouldn't...

    If my memory serves me right the Mixture screw is 1-1/2 turns out...

    why would you try to tune it without the prop on??

    You should always try to avoid leaving fuel in the Float bowl for anything longer than a week or two. The Black pipe on the carb will vent vapour out.

  15. Please do not adjust the mixture screw... 99% of the time it has nothing to do with mixture... "it's not a two stroke!!!"

    Have you left the Machine for a long period of time with fuel left in the Float bowl??

    Where are you based? If your local you can drop it to us for inspection..

    My first thought would be Idle Jet Blocked or clogged with Fuel residue from old evaporated fuel..

    If you want some tech advice feel free to call me on 07867317307

  16. Thanks for the Post Carl..

    We have had a few local pilots try on, feel the power and have a fly of the Mac Fly 250... All of them Have been very tempted too sell there machines and go for this model. Everyone was Very Impressed with the quality feel and the Looks of the Machine, Most including myself were surprised by the weight of the Complete unit.

    I was expecting a really heavy Machine when trying too get up with it on my back, So much so i nearly rolled over forwards as i pushed up so hard. :oops:

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