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Posts posted by morgy

  1. Hi

    Steve I agree Parajet will bend over backwards to get you back in the air ASAP... BUT at the end of the day it comes down too the Engine Manufacture when it's a warranty Issues with there engine...

    This Email was sent too me today from Vittorazi...

    Dear Mark,

    As stated in the user manual, only selected number of carbon propeller from Helix and wooden propeller supplied by us, is suggested to be used with our engines.

    The use of different propellers makes the warranty void.

    With best regards.


    Vittorazi Motors

    Web: www.vittorazi.com

    Mail: info@vittorazi.com

    Skype: vittorazi.motors

    Tel/fax: +39 0733 866585

    If your motor is in Warranty No matter who makes it i would strongly suggest you keep to the there Spec... You may save £100 on a new prop but It WILL cost you in the long run.

    If your motor is out of warranty do what you like...

    I am still waiting for Polini to get back to me.. I can guess what they will say :wink:

  2. Sorry simon i have too disagree there... I have had a small warranty claim on my Moster... Vitorazi wanted Photos of my machine ,Hours, RPM levels, Oil used,mixture ratio,Damage history, Photos of the prop,engine mounts, Even my inside leg measurements :wink:

    If i have send photos of a Ying tang prop form Outer Mongolia i can guarantee they would have voided my warranty claim No matter if it was the correct size and Pitch...

    Everyone these Days is trying to save a few ££ Simon...

    My Offer Still Stands Paul deakin... If your props are as good as you claim send me one out too try, thrust test etc. I will contact Bailey,Parajet and Vitorazi,Polini to ask about warranty issue's..

    If all is good i will place an order...

    Can't say fairer than that...

  3. Anyone thinking about buying a Prop that is not Spec'ed by your Engine/Paramotor manufacture My advice would be Speak to them and ask them the question "If my engine blows up with a none genuine prop am i covered under warranty"

    Please let me know the answer... :wink:

  4. I never said your props were crap... I said from my experience Cheap props are not worth the money... I still stand by that, I would happily change my ming if i was proven wrong with close up inspection and thrust testing... Paul If you would like to send me a prop to fit a moster or a V5/V5S i would happily get it thrust tested and let you know the results...

    So please don't tar me with the same brush as Dell :x

    I wish i still had the photos of an E-prop that was blasted by small Isle of wight shingle when foot dragging for over 300-400 meters.. This prop took a hell of a beating.. And i would place money that a cheap prop would not have with stood this Battering.... I think i have video

    Now going to hunt it out!!! :lol:

  5. Each to there own!!!

    There are people who buy yingtang parts for there Honda/Audi and there are people who buy genuine parts.. don't forget the cheap sh1t tyres you can buy off ebay.. Yes they work But when you need to stop Good luck!!

    Paramotoring is no different... I personally would not touch one of those TAG paramotors... Yes they work and will get you in the air.. BUT :fail:

    Same with the Cheap Props... I have seen a fair few cheap props... NONE of them come close to the Quailty and performance of Helix or E-props..

    My Standards are Obviously higher than others.. :wink:

  6. I would never use an Aftermarket Prop that was not recommended by your Paramotor Manufacture.

    If you have a new motor and use a Cheap Copy prop and you blow your engine up your Warranty will be Void!!!!

    There CHEAP for a reason!!!

  7. In that Photo the Reserve vertical is only attached with one clip (centre) the others are attached via cable ties.

    If this is not the case "i take it back" but that does look like a bodge... and unsafe... Cable tie's are not very good with the cold and do become brittle and can wear easily without you knowing...

    There are many places to attach a reserve "i have mine attached too the swing arm.. BUT lower down.

    Having it that high IMO will get in the way.. It also stops you getting your arms tucked in on an XC..

    If your happy with it Thats all that matters i guess... :roll:

  8. There are pro's and con's to both... :wink:

    If you go too Spain in the early or late part of the year your more than likely too get it finished. If your going for a weeks course allow two weeks :wink: If you get it finished in the first week you might be able to do some flying!!

    Training in the UK can also been too thermic windy or wet.

    Plus side of UK training you can always just pop down to see your local instructor for advice or refresher if needed.

    You might be allowed to use there site to fly from too gain experience and fly with others.

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