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Everything posted by tommcb6016

  1. Well I split the case this morning and started sorting the crank, managed to get it to within 0.05 but will try and get it better this afternoon. Need to replace the bearings as they don't feel fantastic, need to get a bearing extractor first though and find out what bearings they are. All good fun
  2. Well I managed to strip the engine down tonight got the head off, getting a bit late to be banging around so will leave splitting the crank case for the morning. the head seal and o-ring need replacing, as does the ring gear. Might as well get some gasket paper and replace them all well I'm at it. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150891589902596&set=a.110287622595.98513.585967595&type=1&theater Tom
  3. No problem. You get two pairs I went for the thicker ones. Tom
  4. Yes worrying about the frame finish is now the least of my worries! Spoke to a friend who said its very unlikely to be bent, but more likely that the two halves have gone out of balance. Got some v blocks and 2 clocks so will get it out tonight and see what's going on, but saying that if I think it looks dodgy I will just replace it.. Need to get the bloody ring gear off first tried pulling it of with no luck, will try with a bit of heat in the minute. Tom
  5. Sorry £14.99 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/runner-dragster-zip-pm-tuning-reed-valve-petals-2sets-/400302509099
  6. I had the same issue with my v1, Pete b diagnosed the reeds at the sticky grape flyin and turned them around as a tempory solution. I got some new pm tuning reeds from eBay for £12 and problems gone
  7. Your probably right, but I ain't got the cash for that at the moment so I'll have to do what I can Need a new ring gear too as half the teeth are mangled At least it raining ha ha ha ha
  8. I had realised that was the likely outcome, but the idea of stripping the crank out fills me with dread.. Not even sure if I'll be able to straighten the crank (if that's the problem)
  9. I went to reassemble the stator/flywheel this morning and discovered the reason for the original failure, the shaft appears to be bent (about 0.4 runout) so the stator was rubbing on the flywheel ! it looks like its had runout for a long time (judging by the groove around the inside of half the flywheel) Not really sure what to do now, do I strip the engine completely and straighten the shaft (not keen!) or do I stick the flywheel in the lathe and skim 0.5 from the magnets? ( not even sure if that's possible as I've never tried turning magnets before ) Help!
  10. Bits came next day thumbs up to Parajet for excellent service If I do polish the frame does it need any protection to stop it tarnishing ?? Tom
  11. Ring Parajet and ask them ? You won't find many people with experience of the zenith yet as it just come out, does look good though! Tom
  12. Whilst my motor is in bits all over my workshop I'm going to replace the fuel hose. Can you just use pvc pipe from b&Q (as used in fish tanks) or should I get some "proper stuff" Any recommendations on where to get some? Tom
  13. I need to get the powder coat off first.. Nitromors is doing it but think its going to take me all bloody week We use something called "E coat" so might see if I can get it done through work. But may polish it yet.. at least then you can see any cracks.
  14. Not sure if I can be arsed to polish it.. thinking matt black powder coat but not sure. Bits on order.. quote for powder coat tomorrow
  15. Well I've just taken the engine off and removed the flywheel.. One of the studs was loose and one pole of the stator is mangled! Also two of the magnets in the flywheel are cracked. The electric box is covered in cracks and falling apart so need a new one of them as well Parts bill £100 plus postage, could be worse ... Might use it as an opportunity to get the frame re powder coated as its stripped down. Tom
  16. I think one of the studs has gone or bolt come off either way it's probly a replacement coil I should think. What wrOng with the weather? It is June'uary' after all
  17. Ive been doing some maintenance today on my carb and when I put it all back together I was turning the engine over by hand, I noticed a grinding coming from the rear of the engine in the location of the coil Is the coil fixed to the back of the engine ? I'm guessing it shouldn't move about as the flywheel rotates around it? Guess I'm having my engine off tomorrow! Better not be bloody flyable or I may cry!!! Tom
  18. And if you ever thought about not bothering with a reserve.... Glad they were both "ok", could have been a lot worse!
  19. So is there a quick and cheap way for existing pilots to "convert" to the bhpa system ?
  20. Depending on price, I'm getting one as I have to break my motor down every time to fit in the car.. and it's a pain in the ARSE taking the prop off!
  21. Yep I'm loving the fusion and it's agility Still got the Rev but need to sell it really as I can't see myself flying it again Hearts ok now.. lol hopefully won't have too many more of them! makes me respect rotor a lot more!! Tom
  22. I don't know why I put first fusion flight... it wasn't it was the 4th
  23. Here's a short vid from My first few flights on my Fusion, Comments welcome on editing as I'm still learning (slowly ) [youtubevideo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_6_Flh_JA4&hd=1[/youtubevideo] Watch in 720p Tom
  24. [youtubevideo] [/youtubevideo]This was on the yahoo group, very nasty! Hope the pilots bones ment quickly! http://footflyer.com/Safety/2012/Paramotor_Accident_Pylong_Racing.htm
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