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Everything posted by Phil_P

  1. I was actually thinking in terms of improving fuel economy, although comfort would be a bonus, especially if the flights ended up being longer.
  2. I'm sure someone on here was thinking about (or had built) an enclosed, streamlined nacelle for a paramotor. I don't really fancy having a load of rigid plastic round me, so I was wondering about the feasibility of something like the canopy that people have over their kids baby buggies. An extended forward area for the legs, while up on the speed bar, and a sloping, perhaps zipped, clear enclosure for the pilot to see out of. I know our machines are dreadfully un-aerodynamic, and was wondering whether any worthwhile savings, in terms of fuel consumption could be made. Sorry, I'm parawaiting for bits, so I'm getting loads of ideas at the moment.
  3. But whatever you decide on, make sure you carry it! A reserve on the ground isn't much help, although it can sometimes be tempting to have a 'lightweight' flight, especially in light conditions where a longer run is needed. Also, start to incorporate your reserve checks into your pre-flight, as it could be distressing to throw the laundry only to watch it float away while you plummet onwards.
  4. Just to add to the above, running on isn't really dieseling. Running on is, as you say, caused by carbon still glowing and igniting your fuel mix . Dieseling on the other hand is caused by too high a compression ratio for your fuel octane, and the compression alone creates enough heat to cause ignition. The first of these is only a problem with regards to getting the engine to stop, the latter on the other hand will give your big end and main bearings a really hard time, likely causing premature failure. Dieseling will manifest itself on a perfectly clean engine, without any carbon build up.
  5. On the subject of wings and shops, can I just inform people that APCO have a price increase happening in a few days, so if you were thinking of purchasing one of their wings, you can save a few bob by buying NOW!
  6. Yup, killswitch is fine. It is open circuit when at rest, short circuit when pushed.
  7. The kill switch will take either the contact breaker feed that goes to the coil, or the magneto ignition coil output, down to earth when you press it. just check continuity in the switch with the leads to it disconnected. It should make contact when you press it. Make sure you check the above with any master switch turned 'ON', because master switches often ground the same circuit in the 'OFF' position as a safety feature. If the switch is ok, the odds are that it's the connection at the earth end.
  8. Comes up as 'This listing is unavailable'. Do you want to tell us what it was?
  9. I don't think that is necessarily the case. Remember that the risers will also incorporate the speedbar system. As every wings geometry and line placement is going to be different, you may find that by fitting the wrong risers, when you apply 'bar, the wing could be distorted in unpredictable ways due to the fact that the amount of riser length change may not be what the wing is designed for, specifically the ratio of change between each riser. If you were never going to fly on 'bar, I guess it wouldn't be an issue as the risers at rest seem to be all the same length, but I know it didn't take me long to find I needed bar to penetrate at times.
  10. There is a UK contingent off to Las Candelas for some flying in the near future. Check out PilotsPPGclubUK on Yahoo groups to find out more. Doubt there is any chance of going on this years jaunt, but I believe it's a regular thing.
  11. Wow, wish I was in the position of money being of no problem!
  12. And I thought my translation was probably quite good, so how about you get off your high horse eh?
  13. Paramedics need to be fluent in gibberish A skill once gained, never lost!
  14. Good evening everyone, I am a 182cm tall, and my weight varies between 85 and 97 Kg (bulemic perhaps). I am looking for a suitable motor, with the very best engine in terms of reliability and low maintenance. Could you also advise on the ultimate wing to complete this outfit? I would be grateful for any help you can offer.
  15. I must confess that I like my solutions to have batteries included
  16. I have thought about them in the past Norman, but reports that I have seen have been less than favourable in terms of audio quality. Perhaps you know of some good quality ones that would be suitable? That said, I am also thinking of the Micro Avionics headset being part of the configuration, and as I understand it, the mic has got good audio anyway. This is also something I've thought about Ben, the only down side is, that depending on the various warnings you might want to incorporate, you could end up with quite a hefty umbilical. To be honest, I think the major contribution to easy entrance/exit will be figuring out a reserve side mount. It's a pity that the reserve bridle routing on my harness runs down the right side, as I'd have preferred to mount the reserve on the left to help counter torque a little.
  17. I'm seriously thinking about using a pair of Bluetooth devices to give me wireless audio to my helmet, and also a wireless system to illuminate warning lights in my field of vision for temperature and fuel over or under limits (and any other warnings that might get added later like TCAS ). My reason for this is that I find the trailing wires a pain in the neck (almost literally), and I want to try and rig my harness with reserve, flight deck etc. in such a way as I can get in and out of the harness by simply undoing the three harness clips, as opposed to having to disconnect and unhook my reserve & various wires from in front of me. The warning lights would also ensure that I was instantly aware of problems, rather than currently depending on looking at the instruments at the right moment, or being very vigilant. This would hopefully mean more time spent looking around and enjoying myself, as well as improved 'see and avoid'. Apart from the technophobes, has anyone got any thoughts on this, either for or against, as it's usually easier to problem solve at the planning stage.
  18. What do you need in the way of interface to do this with the micro-avionics gear Pete? Is there something like an intercom box that it all plugs into? May yet be tempted to go micro-avionics and retro fit my ANR earpieces (because they really are outstandingly good, and I couldn't dream of doing without ANR now).
  19. I'm using some gear from 'FlightCell', the '2Go' unit, that lets you interface a couple of radios or a radio and a phone. It's not completely straightforward, and at the moment, my big problem is interference from the engine making the radio unreadable. I plan on getting a suppression kit from the States in the hope of resolving this.
  20. HUMBUG!!! Only kidding, even failures can be fun (if a little expensive).
  21. Simon, I don't think your reply does you any justice. As far as I can see, no one is complaining about the trip, and people who are voicing questions about the videography are falling into two camps; 1) Folks who would love to make a bob or two out of their flying if it can be done legally, & 2) People who are genuinely concerned that the sales of videos may be putting some of you in the firing line. Personally, I have a foot in each of these camps. On a forum like this, which claims to want to disseminate knowledge on paramotoring, to tell people to contact the CAA for more information is less than helpful. You may well have got it carved in stone from the CAA that the sale of the video is on the up and up, in which case you can set a lot of peoples concerns to rest, but if you haven't, then all it would take conceivably to put you on a sticky wicket, would be some b**tard with an axe to grind getting onto the enforcement division. I wouldn't want any of the people I call friends to be in that position. Please note, this is NOT a personal attack, and I wouldn't want anyone involved in T2T to take it as such.
  22. Sounds like it is way too rich. I can't even guess at the size of the jets required. I have always been wary of trying to fit a larger carb, as the larger venturi results in a lower air velocity which can really mess things up.
  23. I'll see if I can get a scan done and posted early this PM.
  24. I have some surplus redrive bearings available if anyone has a need. They are 20x42x12 rubber sealed (6004 RS) at a fiver each, posted. They fit my Solo, but may well be common to others. Just stick a vernier on your existing ones if you're not sure.
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