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Everything posted by gordon_dunn

  1. Bungee cord modification works well on Top80s- with a hand start..... but is your PAP Top80 a foot start machine? Starting in flight would be more difficult in this case....
  2. Used to to a lot of 'Parawaiting' when I first started flying, but more experience and better understanding of the weather has led to me just going flying when the conditions are right.... Saves a lot of time, and reduces frustration..
  3. Used to to a lot of 'Parawaiting' when I first started flying, but more experience and better understanding of the weather has led to me just going flying when the conditions are right.... Saves a lot of time, and reduces frustration..
  4. here's an interesting one from lastnight- looking up, instead of down.... interesting focus on the shot.. (purely accidental)
  5. here's an interesting one from lastnight- looking up, instead of down.... interesting focus on the shot.. (purely accidental) [https]
  6. Also, there is no reason why a pilot cannot accept a 'charitable donation' in from someone who should happen to receive an image as a 'gift'....
  7. Excellent results!!! You nailed that first time! Looked quite bumpy up there- you'll get better results in calmer weather- but excellent stuff!!!!
  8. Gordon, why do you suggest forward launches only with the cam attached? I`ve already built one, but need to do a few more flights before i have the additional stress of having something hanging off the edge of the wing.. Maybe, it would work fine in stronger winds, but when I tried to reverse launch the camera tangled on the 'd' lines before I managed to turn. My Fusion can reverse launch in quite light winds. Seemed to work OK on this video though.
  9. Nice images! Some really abstract shadows from those trees!!!
  10. My channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMB-zJ ... whLIa6gy4Q Chase cam video-
  11. Some useful info, pics and advice on this thread for chase cam and some other mounts...- viewtopic.php?f=1&t=8927&start=15
  12. Please do Simon- I haven't tried this yet, and might give it a go this year. GD
  13. Had a tear in my wing a few years ago and the service from Aerofix was excellent. Initial advice and checkup great, report on damage, and summary of ways to fix the problem with costs- then prompt service and rapid turnaround!!!! Didn't get a response from the Loft..... I'd certainly go back to Aerofix without any hesitation... GD
  14. What's the best word for PPG enjoyment? Has to be 'Airgasm'
  15. Are you pressing in the diaphragm on the carb as you blow??? No priming bulb on the Miniplane, and it's quite an easy blow to get the fuel in the carb--- as long as you press the diaphragm..... There are definite merits in eliminating the primer bulb from the circuit.... I used to find that most of the problems on the fuel system started here- mainly air leeking in through tiny holes and cracks, or the valve sticking. It's recommended that the bulbs are changed frequently. GD
  16. Better pic of the engine would be appreciated
  17. Try http://www.rowenacarbs.co.uk/ If they don't have it, no one in UK will. GD
  18. A recently uploaded video on Youtube, illustrating the danger of wires and low flying..... These are almost impossible to see.... really only the 'flash' that give them away. [youtubevideo] [/youtubevideo]
  19. Repeat your experiment, ensuring that the ice is floating. If the ice was totally or partly supported on the bottom of the vessel, then when it melts the water level will certainly rise. Ps.. not my theory.... FACT
  20. Worth doing the experiment if you don't believe it. Get a pint glass and fill with ice, then top it up to the brim with water. Allow the ice to melt slowly..... you will find that the level of water will drop slightly.
  21. Dont' think this is really feasable....... is there enough water in the world to increase sea level by 100m?? Dont forget that ice is less dense than water... as it melts it's volume decreases- so if the entire north polar cap melted, in theory sea level will drop. There is an argument for ice resting on top of land melting and raising sea levels-- ie antactic.... but 100metres......??? over the entire surface area of the world, 100m......? I don't think so.
  22. Looks like a spot of coastal flying is going to get easier by 2100...... Full article at- http://jaysimons.deviantart.com/art/Bri ... -315945336 Interesting read..... Quote....."After sinking of London and Dublin, Birmingham and Belfast have become new capitals of Britain and Ireland".... Belfast....Ireland??????
  23. Fair enough no car, but you'd think they might spring for a company paramotor and wing! I'd expect a company 'Flying Car' at least (Parajet Skyrunner thanks!) before I submit my CV.... (All in the name of marketing and publicity..... of course)
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