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Everything posted by enzo200500

  1. Tried the 'do you know how bloody expensive that is'? line. Didnt work at all. So then shes on fleabay proudly showing me 'bargains' for £1500! Soppy cow.
  2. Thanks fine sir. I'll put her off this flying malarky....
  3. Just watched the round britain Microlight rally on catchup t.v. Wifeys sitting on sofa with a bottle of Red, and feck me, she wants to try microlighting now!! But it must be pink and sponsered by the company!! Is nowhere sacred anymore........can't even fly without her being there. Anyone on here fly those 'devils chariots' that could take her up and put the fear of god into her - then I would be forever in your debt!
  4. I've been honing my skills for months now.....
  5. Just like herpes....... And whats he going to do, hit me with his walking stick?? Love you stevie...
  6. Hi Robin, many thanks for the offer mate - but steve (instructor) is a regular contributor on this site!! And TBH, I don't think my skillset is up to solo flying just yet........ I will definately stay in touch though.
  7. Love the sponsership!! 3 cylinder engine - old skoolie.....
  8. No point dillying around Mark!! Thanks for yesterday.
  9. Blimey Jock, do you not view the rest of the forum...... viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7241
  10. Hi Robin, I've already had a couple of flights on my own gear with Steve Haze. Just had a heavy run of work as I make the pies for the Amex stadium!! Always on the lookout for new sites to ground handle the wing also.
  11. Robin, I'm only over in Shoreham but need to complete my training with Steve 'lucky legs' Haze first!! If you like, I could pop over for a chat sometime? Steve.
  12. Thanks for the offer Mark. I'll see how we get on with the last pie run!! Match is on Saturday. Weds was my only day booked this week but it depends on our lazy pie workers as to whether we make enough today!!
  13. I spoke to steve earlier and he is going to be in hospital for a few days still. Bloody inconsiderate as we were meant to be training tomorrow!! I will try and pop down to see him weds and check out the nurses... Get well soon stevo.
  14. Oooh, and hows the trailer project going?
  15. Well Phil, made 10,500 last week and another 8,500 for this Sat. Pretty feckin busy matey!! Only day off so far has been Christmas Day, and even most of that was spent in hospital..... Anyways, will try and get a day in with Steve on Thursday and some more in the next two weeks.....
  16. I'm 105 and have a 34mtr Synth. Yes, Yes, I know - all those pies......... Beat you lot to it!!
  17. And he gets on well with the beach wardens....
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