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Posts posted by nigel_d.

  1. It is my preferred method of landing, if it won't slow down enough you can carefully power and speed up and try again. I found with the usual unpowered landing that occasionally I'd hit sink or strong gradient at the last few feet and land hard.


  2. In a moment of extreme boredom I was silly enough to have a look on Dells group. Almost immediately I,m finding myself casting doubts on my Nucleon because of Dell still going on about reflex death-traps and the K2 "wonder-wing" that out performs such wings ie it flys faster/slower, glides better, easier to launch/land etc and is safer when it does collapse - even on fast trim and speedbar.

    Now can anyone here confirm these performance claims? Cant see it myself but the niggle has been planted.



  3. Hi Tom, I also have been wanting to do this, but it just hasnt happened yet. I have what I thought was fairly light kit but after watching Dell I realise I'm nowhere near! I see he used one of those yellow inflateable sleeping mats, I wonder how warm they are compared to the thermarest self inflating foam filled one that I have. Just off now to look into the sleeping bag he used.



  4. Helium filled? Nah you need cell openings to keep the wing pressurised in the event of minor or not so minor leaks/tears. Helium filled would mean needing a completely airtight wing - and the hope that it stays that way.

    One of the problems of the inflated leading edge idea is maintaining a suitable pressure with changing altitude, not a problem for kitesurfers (except maybe this guy



  5. Fly the B******d! Now that I know how much it would annoy them I will make a special effort to go there.

    Allow me to explain. Its a 220 mile drive but years ago I used to surf the area but paragliding came along. One time I decided to take my wing there and fly Woolacombe. Although a bhpa member and a member of 2 hill flying clubs I decided to respect the local clubs wishes and so paid for a temporary membership. I wont go into detail but one of the mentioned blokes badly ripped the piss out of me whilst the local crowd watched on laughing. It was not friendly banter and I left feeling very wronged. After giving further thought at how visiting pilots are treated I sent an email of complaint to the club - I got no reply.

    It seems if you live there you own the area, an attitude I picked up on with the surfing community - visitors are called "weekenders".


  6. My Wife and I shall be staying in Lynton, North Devon next month for a few days. Question is, should I take my flying kit? (she says I'm allowed!) ie does anyone know of anywhere to launch from?



  7. I have a Nucleon 31. A couple of things, take a few steps back towards the wing so as to pick up some speed before the lines go tight, and secondly DONT look at the wing until you are almost at flying speed - know by feel when to lean back as the wing approaches an overhead position.


  8. Hi Vince, I have 70 hours ppg and 50 hours pg, the last 20 hours on my Nucleon. I find it is the best wing so far, previous wings being Apco Thrust, Apco Fiesta, Apco Sentra and a Falhawk Atoll. My question is regarding your mention of the Nucleon for more experienced pilots, could you give me an example of when/how it might bite where a Synthesis or Revo for example wouldnt?



  9. Map-o-meter. Just what you need for planning xc,s. It brings up google maps but with the ability to drop a start pin then others to work out straight line distances. Great for other things like jogging routes etc. and is free!


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