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Posts posted by nigel_d.

  1. True. Ordinarily most people, myself included, would be awsstruck and full of praise for such skills if it was anyone other than him. Its just that over the years there has been too many discrepancies in the things he has said and claimed. Wouldnt want anything bad to happen to him, its just that my admiration for such an enthusiastic character is marred by these things.


  2. Great advice Dan, will remember the piss and shower and stretching thing. One morning a few months ago I got up went downstairs, sat on the settee and coughed... then screamed in agony! Took a few minutes to get off the floor as the sharp lower back pain reminded me of the problem area that I have. Fortunately it cleared quickly this time, pain free in about 3 weeks but one time it took about ten months to clear.


  3. Dont do it Joe, I have a back problem that earned me a blue parking badge, I just dont put quite so much fuel in. Joking aside, after an mri scan last year the doctor said my back joints are arthritic and are the back of a much older person, he said I should give up jogging and avoid heavy lifting. I am a tv engineer with paramotoring and jogging as my main hobbies - aint that a bitch! On the other hand another back specialist said my back problems only showed up as a result of a routine scan to check a slipped disc and that lots of people have similar problems but dont know it.

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