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Posts posted by nigel_d.

  1. Those earpieces look impressive. I use my iphone in a wrist pouch thing which supplies my music to earphones but also works ok for taking calls whilst flying, I just bring my wrist near my mouth using the phones built-in mic and throttle back a little, it works quite well.


  2. I am using the optime3 also. The sound quality is good with earbuds but I hear the engine more as a sort of droning sound presumably because the buds seal well, whereas the ipod type dont have this problem. Either way its a pain setting them up especially when you want a quick getaway, thats why I would like something that lives in the muffs so you just bang it on.


  3. Thanks and very interesting, I find the iPod type sound the best but have to pull out the foam in my muffs a little so as to keep the earpieces in place. The bud type seems to seal too well in that I hear a buzzy "drone" effect. What I really want is to have over-ear types built into the muffs.



  4. This reminds me of a debate that me and Pete got into when I mentioned that my old Rad was a pig to start when it only had a couple of litres in the tank. I concluded that the pump was limited as to how far up it could draw fuel, in that a full tank was easier for it, Pete disagread saying that such a carb could pull much higher.

    Now I would say it is not so much the height but the inertia of an excesive amount of fuel in the pipe/bulb that could be the problem causing running/starting problems. The idea being that the fuel "jumps to the attention of the suction pulses" when there isnt much but becomes more slugish to rapid movement when there is a lot of it.


  5. The screw with the cone adjusts the throttle arm's idle position, it has no internal function. The other screw adjusts the low rpm mixture, it should be at about 1 and a half turns out as a starting point and then adjust an eighth turn at a time (trial and error, prop on) to get a compromise between smoothish tickover and immediate response when throttle opened. Screwed in will richen, - too far and tickover will be "chuggy", go too far the other way and tickover may be more "purring" but wont respond well to throttle increase. The main mixture is fixed by the size of the jet fitted. A carb kit would be a good idea if it is the original one thats fitted. Max RPM should peak around 9400.

    I didnt go to the fly-in, I hold my hand up as one of the undoubted many who was put off by the weather given the distance - I love a party with like minded people but if quality flying looks unlikely then there is only a certain distance I would go.


  6. Following a similar principle to another manufacturer that declines to sell unless buying a new machine, I've developed a retro fit device that makes the fitting of the prop a single bolt job.

    It provides even distribution of pressure throughout the face plate, is tightened with one Allen bolt, and has a safety pin to prevent it coming loose.

    Couldnt help but smile - my v5 prop quick-release described perfectly!


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