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How do I get up!!?

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Hi all

Before I commit to lessons with SimonW I would like a taster of paramotoring to see if its what I'm looking for.

Is there anywhere I can go up with another on a tandem harness and try this fascinating looking sport?



Ask Simon :D

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I have been dithering about making a commitment to training without a better insight into what it is all about and whether it is suitable for an overweight, unfit 65yr old. Today I spoke to Simon on the phone and found him to be very helpful. As I live local to Membury it is easy for me to trot along for a chat and and a nosey. Oh dear I think I may have a new obsession!

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I have been dithering about making a commitment to training without a better insight into what it is all about and whether it is suitable for an overweight, unfit 65yr old. Today I spoke to Simon on the phone and found him to be very helpful. As I live local to Membury it is easy for me to trot along for a chat and and a nosey. Oh dear I think I may have a new obsession!

Good to hear, you'll love it! :D

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We had a guy here in Brazil (same issue 65 and a bit heavy). The ground handling almost killed him. I thought he was going to give up. Then he learned a few things

1. No training on 1-3kn days. He came out only from 3-7kn days or every morning lol. Winds generally build here then drop to nothing at 5pm or it's completely blown out for the day.

2. he kept at it like paying his ex-wife

3. He realized that he would have to get really good a launching, long running was not in the cards.

Now everyday we have 4-10 kns you can be sure hes at the site. He's a pop the wing up one-three step guy.

But we are lucky to have some crazy good flying conditions here. I know its not so easy where you guys are. Some times we get a little tired of flying if you could imagine this lol.

I kitesurf so many times I fly in the morning midday or night depending on the day then have a kite session in the middle somewhere.... sleep like a rock these nights lol

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So first training session today. Had other commitments so only 1/2 a day. That was about right for my dulling brain and ageing body! Simon & Colin are good blokes and I very much enjoyed the session. I can just about see the tunnel now and I am reliably informed that there IS light at the end! 8)

Future posts should be to Newbie Blogs I guess.

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