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BHPA Club Pilot (Power) environment test

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I have been paramotoring for 4 years and I recently took up paragliding and got the BHPA Club Pilot (Hill) rating. I have arranged with a local instructor to sit the Power 'environment' test and once he is content with my experience I can then get paramotoring put on my BHPA Club Pilot rating. This will be useful as I will then be able to cancel my PPG insurance as it will be covered under my BHPA membership.

I imagine that it is pretty straight forward, like the Hill CP environment test, but I would be grateful if anyone could point me to any useful documents or presentations specific to BHPA and paramotoring. I did the BMAA PPG exam years ago, which will have covered most of it, but I was wondering if there was any BHPA-specific things I need to know (like mnemonics for pre-flight checks / engine checks etc.).

I saw the syllabus (below), so I know the general topics to be covered. From the training record it is as follows:

Theory syllabus - Club Pilot (Novice) stage

The pilot under training must complete the Club Pilot (Novice) lheory syllabus set out in 'Training

Wings'(also in the'BHPA Pilot Handbook') and in addition lhe following subjects.

Air law

The pilot under traininq will understand:

. The process for notilying an active site using the CANP.

. The process lor reporling accidents.

Principles oI flight and aircraft general

The palot under training will understand:

. Engine basics.

. Forces on a powered aircraft in level flight, turning flight.

. Propellors.

. The ettects of pressure, humidity and temperalure on take-off performance.

Airmanship and Navigation

The piiot under training will understand:

. The need lo keep a logbook.

. That power governs climb - and pitch (control position) governs air speed.

. The importance of climbing from take-off with sufficient airspeed and the DANGER ol climbing

too steeply with power and NOT enough airspeed. (Emphasise that the piiot has to keep a safe,

low angle climbing attilude by keeping the conlrols up.)

. The relationship between airspeed, wind-speed and the resultanl groundspeed and be able to

work given examples.

. Drift and the relationship between course and heading.

. Torque effecls.

. The dangers of prop wash - in the air and on the ground.

. Selection of a safe flying field including climb-out clearance, g.ound conditions, turbulence

generators, obskuctions and overshoot areas-

. Safe areas for onlookers.

. Noise nuisance and congested areas.

. Techniques for avoiding and recovering lrom tucks, stalls and spins and sudden power loss.

. Emergency and safety procedures. (To include discussion of techniques ior dealing wilh a fire

in the air Low turn recovery techniques. Oul ol wind landing techniques. Water and tree landing

procedures. Use of emergency parachute systems. Uses and limitations of alternative control

techniques such as weight-shitt and rear riser steering in lhe eveni of a control line failure

. Paraglider cerlilication and BHPA requirements.

. The importance of keeping a safe landing field always within reach.

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Engine check mnemonic (as taught at Airways Airsports)


Fuel - check adequate quantity for flight plan, check filler cap security, check fuel line all the way to the carb, check full and free throttle movement.

Security - check all items around the motor and frame are secure and nothing can get near the prop.

Thrustline - check you are not going to blow away the neighbours washing, the parked hangie or anything else behind you.

Ignition - check plug cap securely in place (some pilots remove the cap as an additional means to immobilise the engine), switch on master switch.

Clear - call loudly and clearly "Clear Prop" - then check that anyone in the vicinity is aware that you are about to start up.

Start - self explanatory.

I don't think you are expected to remember this particular mnemonic for the exam, but you will be expected to demonstrate that you know all the checks and a mnemonic is a useful tool.

I'm also working towards BHPA Pilot qualification.

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All the topics listed in the syllabus are covered in the BHPA Pilot Handbook, £15 from BHPA http://shop.bhpa.co.uk/product.php?xProd=1963&xSec=3

The only thing that occurs to me that might be specific to the BHPA would be the procedure for reporting incidents (through BHPA officials).

Using the Pilot Handbook will also ensure that you are using the same terminology as your examiner.

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Logged hours you have done, (not sure how many you need) or a quick flying assessment, (take off fly around then land) an exam paper to pass which you will know most if not all the answers too anyway.

Ring Mark Dale and have a word with him.

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Hi Peter

It sounds like you might be doing the CP twice. Not sure if you still can but you might be able to do Pilot Power exam (with your experience) which, if passed, would make you pilot rated hill too. It's 4 years since I did mine so it might have changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Registered the CP Hill and Power and got my rating through the post this week. I celebrated with a flight off Long Mynd today (without engine...). Test pretty straight forward. I will be revising over the summer for the pilot exam. Great to have the flexibility to fly off the hill and the flat (and be insured again, as it had run out and I didn't want to pay both).

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