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Aerial advertisment with paramotor help.

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I've never done it with a paramotor and can't advise on the best attachment point other than the proven foot technique but I used to run a banner towing operation so feel able to offer some general suggestions.

I don't think a tube would be as effective as a sheet banner and would probably need more weight to stabilise it.

If you're going for something big then the foot or grapnel pickup in flight is the only way. Don't lay the banner out in the direction of flight or you'll get all the load at once. Lay it out so you fly over (and pick up a loop attached to) the leading edge first as you fly into wind with the rest of the banner at 45 degrees upwind. You then gradually peel the banner off the ground, reducing the shock. The other way is just to concertina the banner in a heap.

You should consider some sort of weak link. Remember you will drop like a stone following an engine failure so you need a way of releasing the banner quickly (foot does seem best!)

Sent from Dorset on my iPad probably whilst drinking wine, lying in the sofa using PMC Forum mobile app

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I know that Pete, I'm a commercial pilot, but I was wondering if Simon was aware of some rule about towing. As far as I'm aware I can tow anything I like from a deregulated paramotor, as long as it's a private flight.

Sent from Dorset on my iPad probably whilst drinking wine, lying in the sofa using PMC Forum mobile app

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Sorry, this is getting de-railed from the original question.


It wouldn't be the advert that made it commercial in the UK but any 'valuable consideration' that the pilot or aircraft operator received. But anyhoo that's a whole other discussion!

Sent from Dorset on my iPad probably whilst drinking wine, lying in the sofa using PMC Forum mobile app

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this tube from your film looks like wind sock,with equally diameter inlet and outlet (size up to you),nothing difficult to do,you need to put some stiff ring at front and 3 or 4 attaching points with swivel ,all construction you can tie to your feet with quick realise system -just in case

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I really like this Idea, One of my suppliers is a flag maker and this would be easy for them to make, if I get them to leave an area in the front end to thread a metal hoop through and rigging up some attachment points would be simple, I'm going to get one made up with my company name on the side, If you want one as well let me know I shouldn't think it would be too expensive at all.

If I'm promoting my own company then I don't see it as breaking any laws regarding financial reward?

Simon can you get a banner towing Smilies?


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this tube from your film looks like wind sock,with equally diameter inlet and outlet (size up to you),nothing difficult to do,you need to put some stiff ring at front and 3 or 4 attaching points with swivel ,all construction you can tie to your feet with quick realise system -just in case

i think there is a very subtle taper in this... in theory you'll need it to work properly...

A taper will induce a pressure difference (as in a windsock) and inflate the tube. This will not be as effective on a parallel tube.

In saying that, be careful not to create too much drag... Although it has been done in the video, i wouldn't recommend it.


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The Tube has an anti Furl device on the end - we use them on some of the flags we sell, it's used to stop the flag whipping about in the wind and destroying the trailing edge, this would mean that you could keep the tube straight not tapered and create less drag.

Video and Photos of progress and attempts will follow soon - ish!

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