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Apco lift


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Contemplating an Apco lift as my first wing,size is a small with an all up weight of 140kgs.My all up weight is approx 125kg without fuel so maybe add 5-8anykgs with fuel.Would this weighting be ok ,does anyone have experience of these wings.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Make sure you try the Revo 2 before opting for the Lift. I have an Apco and really wish I'd bought the Revo 2 as a first wing instead (or the Dudek or Ozone equivalent). I believe that Apco are big on hype and poor on actually delivering performance. I do know people who bought the Lift and are happy with it - but since they came from other Apco wings the bar was set pretty low to start with.

You want a first wing that will give you stability and confidence as you learn, and will give you great performance as you progress, so you can fly happily for years if you need to. My advice is to look around and the various options - ideally try a few wings - and avoid getting caught up in the hype.


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  • 1 month later...

I'm glad to that Andy. I've been looking at these for my Dad and only seem good things. Also spoke to some one who has tried one and it also got a glowing review. Just waiting to look at one first hand and try it out but it's looking promising to replace his Reaction.


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In my own experience, the easiest wings by far for low wind launches and smooth ground handling have been the Synthesis and the Fusion. Pretty much any wing will fly itself when it's new, once you know the particular technique for each wing (e.g. pulling both A-risers versus one; lifting versus pulling, how you move backwards, etc.). I have an Apco and people have always found it hit and miss - some can't live with it all all and some have no problem. All wings will misbehave when thermals roll in, when there is rotor or turbulence, and when the wing is past its sell-buy date. It's easy to get sucked into all the hype of a new wing being "brilliant at low wind launches" or "easy to ground-handle", when often it's the new versus old, one technique versus another and smooth conditions versus thermic that makes the difference.

Hope this helps.


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Hi Hann

Yes I've got the 34 Synth and always found it to a forgiving wing when I'm heavy handed. I like the reaction of my dads as it feels a lot more responsive which is good and bad. When I get my hands on one I'll post it up.

So far far I've been told it makes mine look hard work but I agree with the above.

Cheers Lee.

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