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Which Airlines, Cost of taking kit to Malaga..Anyone?

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Afraid I don't have the answer, but I am also interested in this question, although the other way round, I need to ship my PAP PA125 from Malaga to the UK, to sell to some lucky bugger.

I was going to drive it over but depending on the answer to Rob's question, I may just fly it.


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If you ask me there is a solution to be had right there.

SkyBlueRob flies over and borrows Poz's motor in exchange for taking it back on the plane and meeting up with potential buyer so that Poz does not get ripped off.

At least that way there is only the 1 transportation cost not 3.

Might work. Thinking about it is there a market for renting out paramotors in desirable places like malaga in the same way they do with mopeds etc.

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Hiya again Dan

Hiya Mr B (Holloran)

Dan...after our Emails and chatting about moving to Spain, me and my missus are going to do a recce (hopefully coming over on the 8th March for a week)

I've phoned airlines but they do not know what paramotorring is but say they'd get back to me when they've investigated....They just don't get back!!!

Regarding the use of paramotor in exchange for selling it in UK, I'm not discounting it but I'm sure it isn't as straight forward as that....good idea though.

Dan, you reside in Spain...is this a spare paramotor?

I have a V5 and Nucleon and have become rather attached :D

Dan, do you know of any suitable van/pickup rentals and paramotor suitable accommodation? (Marbella)

Also looking at estate agents...

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Good suggestion, might just work...Thanks for the idea. Are you in Logistics by any chance...or just common sense :oops:


It's not a spare PPG unfortunately, the deal with the missus was that if I buy a PAP Thor 200, I have to sell my PA125 :( It's a bummer cause I love this machine. Apart from the odd occasion where I have accidentally hit the stop button in flight, in 130hrs it's never missed a beat (mind you it gets serviced by Pierre himself every 25 hrs). Would love to keep it as a spare though.

I'm fairly certain I can get you accommodation where I live in Benahavis (20 mins from Marbella), 5 mins from flying fields 1 and 2 and plenty of beach launch sites.

PPG storage is not a problem here. Vehicle hire I'm afraid is down to you and t'internet as I have no contacts. Shouldn't be a problem at this time of year to get a small van (very popular with families)

Let me know how you get on with the airlines.

Also, can I suggest you leave the booking as late as possible to try to sus out what the weather will be doing, because in March in can be the best PPG weather imaginable or it can be pissing down like it is right now :(



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That all sounds good Dan...

Leaving it last minute? .....Why not eh..!!

Will there be a wing comeing back Dan?

The weather has been great the last 4 days..!!

Went flying Fri, Sat n Sun....Got it all on Go-pro. Made a frame that extends rearwards and allows cameras to be mounted. I have 3 cameras every flight in all directions.

Anyway, hopefully a plan may transpire :D

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Went flying Fri, Sat n Sun....Got it all on Go-pro. Made a frame that extends rearwards and allows cameras to be mounted. I have 3 cameras every flight in all directions.

Anyway, hopefully a plan may transpire :D

Get it posted!

No wing going back, quite happy with my trusty Revo2 :)

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Hiya Dan

I'm planning the trip to Marbella as we want to come across even if I can't paramotor.

I can't get any airlines to give me a price for flying the paramotor across but I've PM'd Simon asking what he's paying and the airline for the Africa trip.

Are you still toying with the plan to sell on Ebay and me to hold it for you in the UK until you have a buyer?

Plan B I may take my kit across if I can get cocts and you don't like the plan A.

I'm overdue a break..!!!!

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Hey Rob

At the moment I'm keeping the PAP PA125 here because I'm not happy or comfortable with my Thor 200 yet. It has teething problems that need to be sorted before I wave goodbye to my beloved 125 (first PPG an' all that).

Hope you manage to find away to bring your kit. I've never even seen a V5



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Thompson won't transport paramotor engines.

I thought that this generally was the problem with most airlines- if the engine has been run- ie Petrol through it, then it can't be carried. I think that some people have got round it previously by cleaning the engine up and trying to disguise the smell.


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Hi Gordon

The people I talked to (brokers) talked to Easyjet and nothing was mentioned about draining the system however I most certainly will.

I will ensure the transparent pipes have no fuel in too but leave the carb alone.

I just know something will go wrong.....usually involving baggage handlers or damage to something....very aprehensive.

Oh well, I will post the outcome on my return to the UK for all to benefit from my experience.

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I will ensure the transparent pipes have no fuel in too but leave the carb alone.

You should really also remove the carb and blow it through to make sure there are no traces of fuel in it.

Most airlines will not carry a container that has has petrol in it, such as your fuel tank, even if it is empty.

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I went ahead and booked a holiday specifically for paramotorring.

The brokers assured me that Easyjet accepted the wing and engine on the itinerary and I paid in full.

2 days later I recieved an Email confirming the flight, hotel and hire car...the paramotor and wing was not in the itinerary.

I wrote and asked them to send me a formal document that I could produce at check in as proof that the motor and wing had been paid for.

They sent me an Email with a single sentence to say a paraglider had been included in the price.

Nothing surprises me how badly salespeople do their job and how low they will go to get a sale. It would have cost me £10 per kilo when I turned up at the check in. The V5 weighs 30kg. Both ways would have cost an extra £600.

TRUST NO-ONE. Assume salespeople are wanting to lie and rip you off. Make sure you have written proof of anything they say before you part with any money.!!!!!!!!!!

I'm now going on a paramotorring holiday without a paramotor... :evil:

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Dude, I know its not ideal, but why not overland it?

I assume your getting a full refund from the agent?? the overland trip through France and Spain is great. :-)


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Simon, Im doing an overlander in Aug with my family too.

Besides...I'm dubious sending £7.5Kworth of kit through the baggage handling system.

Your trip to Africa is an absolute bargain....I have to workon my other half to allow me to go...yes she wears the trousers :lol:

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Sorry to hear about the crap service you're getting :(

But, can you imagine hauling all your equipment over here and the weather being not suitable....because, sorry to say it's looking that way at the moment mate :(:(:(

Give us a bell when you get here and I'll meet you for a coffee +34 671 889 034



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Tarifa's definitely the place for kitesurfing, not really Marbella. Wind's looking...windy (40 - 50kmh)


I'm afraid I'll not be much help with the Real Estate people. I can't stand them. Most of them are self-important, arrogant, greedy f****rs.

Bring your MC, I've just bought a DJI Phantom Quad and am learning the ropes with it. Loadsa fun!

Speak when you get here.


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I'm mildly excited about coming over. The mail reason being that I had a most excellent flying sesh last Saturday and can't wait to repeat it when I get back from Spain.

I've noticed that once one has experienced paramotoring and (kitesurfin) it takes alot to match the awesomeness (can't think of a word to describe it...I'm not sure there is one).

See ya soon bud.

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