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Unonsciousnesses while at high altitude


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You'd need to be high for altitude to effect you- well over the legal altitude limits imposed by the CAA on our sport- so this is not really an issue.

If on the other hand you were to stray above the 10,000ft legal limit- say to 12,500ft or higher- there is a risk that you could suffer from the effects of altitude sickness- and if you were to go unconcious the results could be fatal. Not only from the direct risk of asphixiation, but collision/falling from lack of control during unconciousness.

The legal height limit is 10,000ft in clear airspace - so this is not an issue.

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I was more speaking of if some one had a seizure or some sort of black out at reasonable high altitude like 1000 feet. Would the paraglider just keep going straight or does it need constant control to stay stable?

A little irrelevant but I have an irrational fear of something like this happening to an airplane pilot and then they crash into my house :lol:

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I was more speaking of if some one had a seizure or some sort of black out at reasonable high altitude like 1000 feet. Would the paraglider just keep going straight or does it need constant control to stay stable?

A little irrelevant but I have an irrational fear of something like this happening to an airplane pilot and then they crash into my house :lol:

Shoudn't be the case with airline or light aircraft pilots- they need to undergo a medical which should highlight issues that could put them at risk. Certain conditions , such as epilepsy, or even diabetes can prevent the issue of a medical.

If a pilot of a PPG were to have a seizure of some sort, the machine would not fly straight- weight shift, weather, etc... will turn it, release of throttle will result in height loss.... inevitibly the pilot will come to ground at some point soon.



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If you're concerned about an aircraft crashing into your house, you could play the lottery - there are many more lottery winners each year than planes crashing into houses. Your accumulated lottery wins would easily cover the cost of rebuilding your house. :D


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Gordon, there's no 'legal height' of 10,000ft. The ATC guy doesn't know whether you are configured for flight at height, or not. He will simply tell you to climb/descend accordingly.

The only legal bits are OUTCAS and INCAS regs. OUTCAS has the 3000' rule and that's it.

Glider pilots frequently go above 10,000 without oxygen whilst soaring, admittedly not by much and not for long. Same with helo pilots especially in the mountains.

It is not recommended by the way to stay above 10 grand without oxygen for long.

Finding0 There is an APP available at the moment that is an auto pilot for the paramotor. You could plug this into it and it would take over if the pilot failed to respond after a while :evil:

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legal altitude limits imposed by the CAA on our sport- ....

The legal height limit is 10,000ft in clear airspace - so this is not an issue.....

never heard of this? tell me more Gordon.

Paraglider pilots sometimes go above 10,000ft, although not normally in this country, sometimes unintentionally, I do know of a paraglider pilot that go sucked up to 18,000 feet here in the UK, and there have been a few cases of pilots passing out.

I would guess that if a paramotor pilot passed out the glider would stay flying reasonably straight through the airmass, unless the pilot was slumped to one side, but the ground speed and direction would be unpredictable. Who wants to try it?

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I have auto pilot on my my wing I can type in the gps coordinates and it will fly me to my destination.


There was a flying instructor at my field (Barton aerodrome, Manchester), that whilst conducting a trial lesson had his 1st epeleptic seizure on final approach into Woodvale aerodrome, leaving him unconscious. The poor sod next to him had never been in a light aircraft before and managed with the help of the tower to go around. They tried to talk him down, but each time they failed but they were able to talk him through the necessaries to get him around the circuit and lined up on finals again for another try (which in itself was simply amazing).

After several tries, the instructor woke up on finals unaware of what had occurred and simply landed the aircraft.

It's an amazing story, but really sad because this chap had invested many years and many thousands of pounds and was on the final hurdle before getting into the airlines. He will never be able to pilot an aircraft again.

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I have auto pilot on my my wing I can type in the gps coordinates and it will fly me to my destination.

The Android App is better - you can simply speak your destination ! It can also fly a slalom course if you input the co-ordinates of the poles .......... 8)

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