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Advice on motor twisting.

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I'd appreciate any feedback as I'm not sure of the cause of this. Last night I took off but within a few feet the motor twisted to the left, then to the right, then to the left ... I can't work out what caused it but I do have a video of the take off here:



It looks subtle in the video but it was quite substantial. The wind on the ground was about 5mph but at 100 feet was howling (surprisingly). The lines were all okay, nothing was twisted or caught. Everything flew perfectly two days ago.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

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Try again in normal air

Are you weight shift motor?

If the wind was that different at 100feet there might have been some "wind sheer" thus causing some turbulence. In this type of air as the wing adjust for the differences it can feel like the motor is twisting but in reality the wing is causing this sensation. I get this quite a bit in some of the locations here (on less there perfect days to fly during rainy season).


1. Left side of the wing has a lower pressure type air then the right.

2. The lower pressure will allow that side of the risers to drop causing the motor to sightly turn to the left

Does that make sense.... anyone else, correct me if I'm wrong

Makes for interesting landings or at least the approach!


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Thanks for the thoughts. It is a weight shift paramotor - I expected to look at the video and see the wing moving about but it doesn't seem to do anything much relative to the twisting. I have to assume it was the air, it was just surprising.

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Can certainly see the twisting.

First thought was did you have your arms up, i.e. no brake pressure, but can see you did on the video.

Can I assume you were on constant throttle setting?

Can't be motor torque as you're twisting both ways, wierd :?


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Can certainly see the twisting.

First thought was did you have your arms up, i.e. no brake pressure, but can see you did on the video.

Can I assume you were on constant throttle setting?

Can't be motor torque as you're twisting both ways, wierd :?


Yes, throttle was constant. The motor is surprisingly torque-free. Cheers.

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