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Simon & Pete in China.


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Just a quick update for anyone interested.

We arrived in China yesterday, Driven in a government bus to our accommodation (and he was not shy about using the blues and twos to get through the traffic :-) Woke up ( minor jet lag) and went for our first day of rock climbing training in the most amazing cave ready for the big job. Arms and legs are like jelly.... Just another 2 days of that to go LOL

Pete as it happens is like a fking monkey and has found a new skill! I on the other hand seem to have lost the little that I had and feel like a complete newbie again.

We have pics and will try to post but we have a very full on schedule and dont have much down time.

More later.


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It's all starting to happen now.... :-)

We now have the shoot schedule and low and behold, It's Pete B who will be opening the show (on screen) for the first shoot taking a top US Geologist for a flight over the holes, caves, mountains :-)

Then I will go up with Pete to get some decent aerial's to cut them together.

I have then been placed with the Scientific research team, Geologist, Botanist, and a Biologist. We will be using Spidi cam to survey the places that are impossible to reach as a human (on screen)

From tomorrow morning we will be out in the field for 3-4 days on phase one of the main shoot.

Now we have the schedule I am even more excited about the mad expedition.


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So, today Pete and I went for a take off and tripped on rough ground, I have chipped my shin bone ( which hurt lots! )

As you will see when it hits TV, the site (all be it the very best we could find) was at best poo. LOL

The specialist climber / caver and geologist from China has refused to enter the main cave section as he said its too risky. The rest of the team are still going in of course :-) fingers Xed that I will be good to go also.

I think its fair to say that there will be no more paramotor action in China for me :-( I expect a week or two of pain before I can carry the weight.

Pete took a battering as well (landed on his nose) which I am sure was also quite painful. LOL

If it was easy.... everyone would be doing it :twisted:


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Big up to Jamie (tree hopper) :-)

We are now sorting a visa for Jamie and his life time of rope work to come out and save the day :-)

The show MUST go on. :-)

Welcome to the Remote Aerial footage team dude! ( fingers crossed you can get a couple of days off dude! )


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Swelling has gone down loads today so the pain level has dropped by about 70% :-) happy days.

It's deffo fun for sure. It's an amazing place. No one has EVER been allowed to fly and film in this part of China before so we have the very first aerial shots of the Geo park. :!:

The deal.... to provide the footage for China TV.


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Pete and I have just learned the word 'Gambay' in Chinese..

Roughly translated it means Down in one!


The Brits cleaned up with a fully standing team. The Chinese wish they never started it ! :-)

At £1.40 for 4 Liters of beer its rude not too.


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  • 3 months later...

The show is fully edited and getting delivered to nat geo on the 13th of July. :-)

They will do a week or two of marketing and then it will be on TV :-)


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Really good to read about your adventure. Sound like way to much fun. Would like to take the opportunity to register for the apprentice scheme.

Why would I be good for the position?

Flying time: nearly 2 hours

Equipment: wing, motor, helmet, digital camera from Argos!

Personality: very willing!


All the best with your adventure :lol:

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hummm your qualifications are next to useless! you did not mention that you can out drink any nationality, eat (if your lucky) crap food for 3 weeks and not moan or get ill, and put up with a snotty Director who "can not work in these conditions" lol


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I am told you wont need a cheeky inside, as most of our stuff in 'on' camera :-)

Will let everyone know (more than once) when its on :-) :-) lol


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