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Bailey V5, anyone got one?


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Hi Roy

I've been to the nec show a couple of times and didn't think it was worth the drive from the south coast but would go if i was local...

I use the Yahoo groups forum but it is a pain to trawl through it all to find what you want.. but you will see when you go on it.

I prefer this site but you get more of the comp pilots on the other forums. This site is great for a quick answer to your questions.

Good luck with your training keep us informed how your getting on...

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  • 1 month later...

79 kilos wet. I thought my Pap1400 top80 was a nice machine until I flew a V5, I would advise anyone not to try one unless you have a spare 5 and half grand - you won't be happy with your current machine afterwards. It has several nice touches and the build quality is very good however I find the pull starter is difficult to reach but I can think of a few easy alterations to fix this, that being my only niggle. The smoothness and quietness is an absolute joy particulary at level flight power. I also love the generous thrust and fuel efficiency although I haven't flown it for long enough to say how efficient it is. Just need a decent day now to give it a proper run.


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Hi Nigel

I had heard that the V5 can get as low as 2.0ltr's per hour a guy at our field has one and flies a snyth, on full trim he is getting about 2.5LPH I think thats great on such a sinky fuel hungry wing. I hope to be in the very low 2's on the speedster may be even 1.8-1.9 :wink:

I have seen people putting on a little bungie chord on there pull starter seems to work ok for them.... I may do the same as i seem to have trouble pulling the pul start.... But that may be because in dont have the upper arm strength "it is a funny angle"

Have you found any little niggles with your motor yet appart from the pull start?

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Good idea Alan.

The guy with the synth, how heavy is he? I fly a 31 Nucleon and am at the bottom of the weight range so should be really sipping fuel. I only flew for about 3 minutes due to fog that wouldnt go away so quickly got bored and cold having to keep my car in sight. One thing I found by accident was having the leg straps a bit looser than I normally have them, it made my landing attitude more upright, rather than the leaning back too much which I experienced when I came in on my test flight.

I was a little apprehensive as to the cutting out problem which affected the prototype, but mine seems to run confidently, hopefully whatever that was has been ironed out.

The hooks on the frame for the hand controller seemed like a good idea but they are a bit fiddly to hook and unhook so I just do what I have always done, that is to latch it in the netting.


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Had 3 flights yesterday totalling just over an hour. 12 mph headwind above a few hundred wasnt ideal for distance but ok for local testing. Reaching the starter was only a problem if the handle moved to the side and sat flat against the cage but a cable tye around its frame attachment should see to that. Average fuel consumption was just under 3 litres an hour - a little more than I expected however that was with 3 take offs and climb outs etc, I'm sure on a steady xc it would be lots better. Handling was good with weight shift working well, the bars would move up and down a little with your weight shifting on the seat. The landing attitude (leaning back) concerned me on the first flight but is ok as long as the leg straps arent too tight.

One thing with my old Pap was that there was a lot of outward tension on the arms if the chest strap was too loose, perhaps putting a strain on the pivot bolts etc. however there was only a light pressure with the V5, its attachments looking extremely sturdy in any case.

Though manufacturers thrust claims are a sometimes dubious there is no doubt that the V5 is a good 10 kilos more than my Pap 1400 top80 with its 125 carbon prop. The extra acceleration at launch and quick lift-off is wonderful also I have no worries about running-in the engine because even moderate throttle settings are adequate for most flying.

Setting up the speedbar might cause some concern as there is a shortage of guide rings for the rope resulting in long unguided lengths flapping around, maybe when the manual is published there might be something there I am not seeing.

I wonder what any other owners have to say.


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Hi Nigel

When i frist got my V3 it took me a few attempts to get it set up just right. I like you had a bit of trouble when coming into land getting it to stop leaning back was a nightmare!! but a simple adjustment of the attachment points on the arms should solve this.... You can move it a fair bit with out spoiling the thrust line. Just move them back and see how it goes...

I am surprised at your 3ltr's an hour.... I get better than that on my V3 and 26 fusion on full bar...

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Nigel

Loving the new V5... She is running in but i got around 2LPH on full fast trim on an hours flight....

I am on a 28speedster and all up around 115 (28m 95-125kg) I am going up around 100-150fpm on full trim and bar @ full throttle.

This is not an accurate figure as it was done by the gauge not by weight. Will do this when is has a few more hours on her.

I have just seen your bit about the Speedbar There should be no problem doing this with the V5 nothing will flapp around... Make sure you have some of those little Ball Clamp things and put them above the pulley this will keep the speedbar close to the harness when taking off.... I cut mine of from a couple of draw strings of some old wing bag's... If you still have trouble your more than welcome to come down for a flight one day and i will set it up for you. Or i can email you some photos...

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I had a couple of those spring ball things with my speedbar and couldn't figure what they were for! I have been using the Velcro flap at the front of my harness to hold the bar. You may indeed find that fuel calculations based on the gauge might be slightly inaccurate.. Try a measured amount into a drained tank, fly for an hour then empty remains in a measuring jug, or weigh it. You might find it concurs with the gauge - it might be a little different, certainly handy to know for future reference when you might be cutting it fine on a long xc.

Should be ok re pics thanks, I used neo magnets to hold the bar on my last machine which worked well, maybe do the same again.



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  • 1 month later...

For those that find reaching the starter handle a little difficult I have found a technique. What I have found is that you reach behind your head and rest a couple of fingers on your helmet then move your head around to help the other fingers find the handle. Sounds a bit daft but it pushes your hand a little further than you can comfortably reach.


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Hi Nigel

You do not need a technique to grab your starter handle at all. You probably got your harness incorrectly set up for you.

There are two adjusters on the shoulders one is for the shoulder straps and the other one with the thin strap is to raise the unit and bring it closer to you. Depending on how tall you are or how long your arms are you should have the straps about 9-12inches long. Get someone to adjust it up when you have it on your back this will make a massive difference.

This should have been done by the dealer you bought it from or at least explained to you...

If you still are having trouble you can call me and i will try to talk you through it or you can come down for a fly

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