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Phil's training 2011

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Cubix don't give up. It does get better.

I was scared sh**less the first time I went up & I don't mind admitting that. It's something that the sensible bit of your brain tells you is wrong. But you learn to have confidence in the kit after a few goes.

Landings took me much longer to get the hang of than they should have, but I just couldn't compute what to do to get them right - All credit goes to Steve here for explaining what was going wrong & trying to coax me through my mistakes. One of the things I did was bell ringing on final approach (I think this is quite common in beginners & is something you do because you're nervous), which sounds like what you were doing too. Basically this sets you up for a bad landing, I also found it a struggle to judge the landing as it just seemed that bit too fast for me to be able to cope with, this is partly because i have a Synth which is apparently quite a fast landing wing (It's all i've ever flown so I have nothing to compare it with).

Despite all this once it starts to come together it's a really fantastic feeling & totally addictive, but It's really something you need a good instructor to help you work through & well worth spending the money on.

On the flying side I was fortunate enough to be able to get a second go at my nav task tonight & I was in the mood to nail it this time. Had an awesome flight & really enjoyed the views (also found my way around OK). Steve joined me for a while & it was quite a surreal feeling to be floating along at 1000 feet with someone else up there for company.

My wife came down to the field too to see what this Paramotoring that I've been boring her rigid with is like, so no pressure to get the dreaded landing right (almost, but at least it was on my feet).

That's all the flying side of things done so i just need to get my head into the books & revise for the written exam, then I'm signed off. Then It's the wait for the Bulldog to arrive before I'm free to join the rest of you for some quality flying.

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I have reached the end!! Or maybe I should say the start??

I went over to Steve's house to sit my written exam this evening. I've had my head in the books over the past couple of days to try to cram everything in so I was as well prepared as I could be.

I thought steve was joking when he said the exam was 100 questions (OK maybe I wasn't that prepared), but very quickly learned that he wasn't! I have never written so much in such a short time & am now nursing an aching hand. I have to apologize to Sarah for taking so long & leaving her without a fiancee to sort her dinner when she arrived home from work!

However all's well that ends well & I managed to pass (despite annoyingly managing to completely forget a couple of really basic things - don't you hate it when you know something in your head but just cannot find the words). Fortunately I also managed to drag a couple of answers right from the back of my mind & actually impressed myself that I had got a couple of the answers after staring hard enough at the wall for long enough.

I have got to wait a few weeks (busy time at work coming up) then hopefully the arrival of my motor will coincide with my sumer holiday & I will be able to get out & flying. If anyone in Surrey or Wiltshire doesn't mind flying with a newcomer then it would be great to be able to meet some new friends & start flying with some of you out there.

Thanks to Steve for his patience with my verbal diahorrea, rapidly failing brain & lack of flaring but still safely getting me into the air.

Really happy tonight!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Which dual accreditation is that?

In order to get a PMC lets call it 'ticket' you need to complete all of the same flying tasks as someone who is being taught from scratch + the exams.

There is no shot cut I am afraid.


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He has not had a short cut.

George came to me having passed his Club Pilot but wantig further training.

I have helped him raise his game to the point where he is ready to e signed off under the PMC syllabus.

He just needs to complete he exam. His flying is excellent.

All the best


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the positive comments. I've spent so long reading everyone else's posts (they helped keep my interest going when I was saving for the kit), hopefully mine can do the same for someone else!

Just to keep the story going a bit more...

Here she is



Looking forwards to my first flight tomorrow morning, followed by as many as i can squeeze in over the next few weeks. Weather is looking good so fingers crossed

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Here is a short video of my first flight on MY Bulldog yesterday. http://vimeo.com/27861450

The new motor is working well & we had a good flight around Guildford which was really enjoyable.

It seems almost sad to say it but I suppose this is the end of the road for the training blog.

Looking forwards to posting future video's etc with the big boys now!

A big thank you to Steve & also to everyone for the positive comments on the blog... If you're thinking of giving Paramotoring a go, just do it - you will NOT regret it!

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