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The plan for Saturday the 15th.


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If its flyable during the day I aim to be in the field at 10:30.

Anyone needing to pick up kit from here to fly on this day please be here at 10:00.

Today I used a grassed field of Sally Anns and it was Awesome! (I am going to ask her if we can use this field again) :roll::lol:

Wings are getting put away by 16:00hrs and the pub opens at 18:00hrs.

At 18:00 hrs Myself, and all other Tip to Tip people (and anyone else who wants to get involved of course!) will be having a 1-hour meeting in the bar area of the pub. All other Xmas doo people are of course welcome to 'warm up' for an hour beofre the party begins, the meeting area may get all meeting like for a while though.

At 19:00 hrs the function room will open for our Doo. :D

At 19:30 hrs the food will start to arrive.

At 20:00 hick.... the thingy.... hick...will be ..hick..hick........and party.....hick....happy....hick..hick

At 0900 hrs the next morning we will all have sore heads.


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The grass site details are...

Lat 51°33'43.05"N

Lon 1°36'28.41"W

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>










lpc grass site










you must drive through two gates to access the field. Please shut them behind you.


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Hey Guys

Small plea- is it possible to limit the flights over the village please, especially at the weekends? It would save me getting my ear chewed every time I am in the Church, pub, shop, school etc ( get the picture?!) I know it is rather difficult given the location of the field with regards to the houses but I think they had their fair share in the summer and are rather sensitive. Thanks in advance for you consideration. Enjoy the site - sorry about the lines SLiM. (I broke a tooth on a sarsen stone in the field ground handling in the summer - if that makes you feel any better!) Thanks again everyone! :D

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It is a SITE RULE that as soon as you have reached a safe height to do so you must turn AWAY from the village of Ashbury.

Consider things like (when taking off into wind 'away from the village' your sound will still be hitting them! so move off to the north or South when Climbing out.

Colin and I will be on site if in doubt PLEASE ASK before you take off. :D:D

Again, thanks Sally Ann! its a top spot, we will do everything we can to keep the village happy. :D


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