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Can't reach Revo tip steering lines


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I fly an AXB Hawk with high hang points and can't reach the tip lines. I fitted the Tip Steering Kit as per the manual on the B risers but it's too high for comfortable control.

So I lowered them to sit on the A-riser over the speed bar (I never use the speedbar) lines because that seemed the only substantial lower riser where it wouldn't interfere with the reflex geometry.

But the pussic knot still slips. I read with interest about the Custom Air mod but I don't think that would work for me given I need them that much lower.

Any suggestions?


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Put the knot in the correct place so as not to pull the line and not have too much slack then pull tight. you can then use some sewing thread to wrap around the knot to keep it tight.

Its not the best way but the cheapest and it works.

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The pussic knot Wont slip if done correctly...say Paramania... :?

I know 110% it will.....tell aerofix what you want and they will make it for you.....they did a line mod for my Fusion....

dont be somebody else who gets the tip steering line caught in the prop....it could kill :shock:

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Hi Muffy;

We have been working on this problem and found the big ears kit from Advance gliders a good idea...the pulley sits on the stabilo line and the velcroed tab extends down the riser as far as it goes - a wonderful DIRECT extension. I had that pruisk know slip only once on a new glider test run for a guy - I am glad it didn't slip on him.

Advance gliders - ask for a big ears kit - mine cost around 30 something or other.



p.s. slight modification required to avoid line stitching impact

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I have been using the standard Paramania tip steering kit for a couple of years. It is installed as per the instructions and has never slipped!

I know that there is a possibility that one day it might slip and for this reason the tip steering is included in my pre-flight check.

Personally I would persevere as per PeteB's suggestion, but much of flying is about confidence and so if you have tried on many occasions but been unsuccessful at securing the knot, then it might be wise to try an alternative solution as recommended by others.


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Could you tie a piece of thin rubber band below the prussic knot? It would need to be checked (along with the prussic) every time used but would prevent(or reduce the chance) the knot slipping. Haven't tested this theory by the way, just thinking out loud.


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hang on there Muffy I have some more info coming soon - I got mine here in Canada from the Advance dealer (he also did not know what the heck I was talking about for a while). I just ordered two more sets but by the time we shipped them back and forth it would be rediculous.

back soon,


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Reference for yer eyes to see:


They are cheapest thru an Advance dealer:


Ask for "epsilon 4 big ears kit only" or you'll end up buying risers.

These attach to the factory (and therefor ANY) risers with a simple velcro double closure.

Paramania should consider this as a permanent mod, but they never will until they try it.

Mine are never coming off.

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Aye that's it - a good day that was.

The mod noted above is simply to allow the double stitching of the stabilo near the maillion to easily slide into the pulley.

It *does* fit already, but the alum bit holding the pulley has a flat edge on the bottom where the line feeds thru - best to smooth that or file it round so the pulley will slide down the stabilo unimpeded and not fray the stitiching. Plus there's all that drag hanging out there in the airstream ;-)

If you fly a set of these, you will wonder why all the time is wasted on other solutions. Really. Should be factory bits.

Just sayin.

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Brilliant. In fact, I reckon if I can find a couple of small pulleys I could modify the Paramania tip steering kit to do just the same. I'll have to trim the velcro back but it should work.

Thanks for all the advice everyone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've managed to get hold of the Advance Big Ears kit. They're not made anymore but Mark Dann at Beyond Extreme badgered the factory in Switzerland until they found a pair stuffed down behind a sofa or something.

I've fitted them but they don't appear to be a fully symmetrical pair i.e. for opposite sides. Once the weather improves I'll try to ground handle them.

Thanks for all your help and advice guys.

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Paramania should be making these now (as part of factory risers, or certainly a stabilo retrofit option), but if the word gets out I have no doubt that Advance will be more than happy to take the payments instead and have a skilled seamstre, er, seams person blast out a bunch of these in a day to meet orders.

The only variation between left and right is the side that the velcro mount is sewn to. If you have different lengths, that is bad indeed.

I wish you luck ground handling with them, mostly because you'll need a fair wind to see them work, although a laminar coastal breeze may serve well enough. They do shine at speed.

Psst pass it on - boo prussic knot, boo, hiss even.

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