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choosing first motor

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Ok gents im fairly set on the wing i want and have been offered a good price on a second hand Silex .

Now the motor . what one do i choose.

do they all feel different once your strapped in. weight differnce are they all rougly the same. i am following anouther thread about pro's and con's on peoples motors ,

thanks jim

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i do like the parajets .

Someone i used to work with sold his recently but i wasnt in a position to buy it at the time .

A freind of mine flies a walkerjet w200 and thats quiet nice .

other than that Fresh breeze motors seem tyo be ok .

Just need to find something with a reasonable price now .

anyone thinking of selling up in the coming months

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I fly a bailey v3 and love it the only down site is the wieght but if your ground handling and forward launches are good and you dont have to run up hill!!! then you will have no problems. I can fly nearly 4 hours without stopping for feul. My longest flight so far is just over 2 hours. The harness is very comfy and i could have flown fo anyother 2 hours easy.

All i can say is think long and hard about choosing your motor ask your self the type of flying you want to do and how much you have to spend.

Personaly is 4 stroke all the way for me!!!! :wingover:

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I chose (and am still flying) a PAP Ros 125R with the smaller 115cm propellor and cage. It turned out to be a great decision because I haven't broken a prop yet after 30 hours of flying whereas I'm sure I would have done had I been flying a bigger frame due to 'lazy' take offs and getting in the seat too early. Plus with the ROS motor its enough power to easily get my 100kg arse off the ground even flying a reflex.

Only downside is that they are a bit thirsty with a range of just over 2 hrs on a reflex, but you're not looking for competition winning efficiency for your first motor surely?


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Ive also settled on a pap ros 125 which is due for its 2 year replacement soon and it will be replaced with another Pap ros 125 (my third) before the pap I flew 4 other different makes ......one was way to heavy .if I messed up a forward ( I did Them days ) it took me 1/2 hr to build up my energy before I could have another go...another set on fire at 1,000ft, :shock: it looked the bollocks though :) another was under powered , the other one fell apart slowly and always let me down on those perfect days...I always couldnt understand why people said the Pap was so good then one day I flew one :idea: the rest as they say is history......Ive never looked back I wish I would have discovered them earlier I would have saved myself a lot of money and heatache....just my pennies worth.... :mrgreen:

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why replace a car these days :?:

I always want to keep ahead of the game.......Ive got ito a habit of replacing them at around two years ......peace of mind......its nice to get somthing new.......its my passion.....I can....... because the cost of putting the microlight in a hanger for two years is the same cost as upgrading,,,,,,so I do :lol:

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4 other different makes ......one was way to heavy ...another set on fire at 1,000ft, :shock: it looked the bollocks though :) another was under powered , the other one fell apart slowly and always let me down on those perfect days...

Hi Gary, can't we have some names then :?:



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Sperwill, Rad, H&E,Adventure.

Cut to the chase Gary which ****** caught fire? I must admit it made me laugh out loud obviously it would not have been funny at the time but the thought of it is still making me laugh sorry cant help it.

Maybe i will carry a small fire extinguisher on board just to be on the safe side in future.

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