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Monday Funday

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Now the sun is not so high in the sky I can go up to the field earlier in the afternoon and expect the breeze to be constant. Which is brilliant.

I laid the wing out, got suited up and saw the breeze had dropped to almost nothing, but by the time I had checked everything and done a power check it was back to a few kms so off I flew.

A nice strong climb out with some brake on of about 330 feet per minute gave me a great start to the flight. I passed over a small lake and saw a fabulous shimmer off the water from the sunlight being reflected so turned around to try and capture it on camera, but didn’t quite get back in the same spot. So the picture just shows the light outline:


I flew over the cottage owned by some friends of ours on half term holiday and got lots of enthusiastic waves. As I continued the flight I passed by our house and village and took this shot, which I am really pleased with, our house is just to the left of centre:


I flew over to Chateau Guillaume, which is a fabulously looking place but I certainly wouldn’t like to heat it. The picture quality unfortunately has only confirmed that the quality on max zoom is not that good:


I flew around the village of Lignac and took a picture of the nearest DIY stockist that is run by a chap called Christophe. He is a very helpful bloke so I’ll probably give him a copy of the shot if he wants it:


Turning now for a bit of a dog leg return I passed over this field and was struck by the apparent lack of driveway to the dwellings. Figure that one out, unless the buildings are just not used:


The final shot is just emphasising the size of the huge trees around the fields against the small sheep in the bottom left corner. OK I know it’s just the shadows but they do look big:


Back to the field with the glee level back at maximum and back home for a loverly glass of Bishops Finger (thanks to our half term friends).

Definitely a Monday funday



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Thanks for sharing your latest journey Alan. Sounds like a perfect day - especially finishing it off with a nice drop of English beer. :D

Fantastic weather, and great pictures in the afternoon sunlight - especially the shimmering lake. 8)

With regards to the Chateau photo, have you tried using less zoom (to reduce shake) then crop the photo more heavily ?


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Hi Andy,

Yes I have done that with some pics, I tend to use lower resolutions as I am still in the habit of conserving hard disk space, a throwback to using the 10 year old computer.

Do you ever get to bed Andy, I noticed one of your postings was timed at 1:47am :?:

No wonder you find so much info :)


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Hi Alan,

how did you get the bigger pictures into your posts?

I tried as an inserted attachment and it says largest size is 640x480 which is pretty small?



Well noticed.

I have sorted that out from this end. Post your pics as normal you can now go up to 1200 x 1200 (sound about right?)


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Mikey, the pictures were hosted on Photobucket at 800 x 600 and inserted using the Img button.

Copy the direct link from Photobucket or another hosting site, then highlight it and press the Img button and hey presto.

Is that 2nd picture of Malvern hills :?: I have rather fond memories as that was where I proposed.

Simon, making the attachment size 1200 x 1200 is great, cheers,


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