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Hyderabad - Meeting up with Karan

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:arrow: UPDATE :arrow:

It took a while to arrange but I just had a meeting (the first - 01 October at 1100 UK local) with Karan in Hyderabad. We wanted to meet up of course and I went bearing your gifts.

You will be delighted to know that he is a cracking chap, we met in the hotel for coffee and a long chat. We spent two and a half hours talking about his training in Pune and how he plans to progress with his flying.

Its been a while since I have bumped into someone as quietly determined as our man in Nepal & India. He will be leaving at the end of fifteen years service with the Indian Army soldiering in some of the nastiest little trouble spots we get to hear about at the back end of the BBC World news.

He has decided that flying and self determination is now going to be the focus of his life. He is incredibly proud of Nepal and has a burning desire to show his friends in the paramotor world the majesty of the Himalayas and Annapurna. Paramotor trekking is his dream, he is already planning his proving flights and collecting his crew together and talking to the authorities in Nepal.


If you think this is a little previous for a guy with limited flying experience and doubt he will get his enterprise off the ground, just meet up with him. You will then realise that as the sun rises in the East, so will his trekkies on their way to the first mountain village on their circumnavigation of one of the most exciting places to fly over on earth.

Your Support

Guys, I can't tell you how much of a pleasure it was to hear what it meant to Karan to learn to fly. He slips back to Pune to complete what is essentially his PPG1 in October. The Wings & Flights team there will be putting him back into the sky after the Monsoon breaks.

To date with your contributions and a little sponsorship we have:

  • Paid for his basic training to PPG1 (a few bits to complete to qualify fully).
    Equipped him with a flying suit and a PPG/PG suitable wing.
    Supplied him with several books and other reference sources to help his flying education along.

Karan will be acquiring a ground handling harness (local sources-mountaineering), a helmet and already has a pair of suitable gloves. In short he can ground handle on the Regimental sports field to his hearts content so that when he returns to Pune he will be ahead of the game. He will pop up here before too long I don't doubt.

When I gave him his wing and things he very kindly presented us with a pair of Ghurka Ceremonial Kukris complete with his unit badge. Simon will have one at Lambourn for members to see. It isn't sharp, he doesn't hand out lethal weapons to people he likes. :wink:


Go to go places tourists never go, and see things they just don't get to see. Paramotor Trekking in Nepal ... Hmmm


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Bring it on!!!

Tell him to contact me when he is ready to go, I will of course help with that one!

Also many thanks indeed for the Kukris! that is an amazing gift and will go in the new School room (until we get a club house!)

I can't wait until he is up and flying around the place on a Paramotor.


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There is a word I am looking for and I think it is UPLIFTING.

It is great to hear of the comaraderie of paramotoring helping what sounds like a very genuine and humble individual of a race of people who have given so much.

With the very best wishes for Karans success,


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Wildo, as Karan progresses we will keep everyone abreast of his progress.


Thanks for the kind words, people have been so good and generous and willing to help. When Karan went solo off the winch (PG) he rang me in Washington at three in the morning. I have never heard anyone sound so made up. He did much the same when he flew the paramotor solo. Small incremental steps, he is very safety conscious and determined to safeguard that of others.

He is a cracking fellah.

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It's got to be in the top 3 of places to want to fly a Paramotor hasnt it?

If not, your may be ill and should seek medical assistance! I dunno, pig flu or something.


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Great news to hear about Karan. Once Karan has more experience just think of the cracking flying holidays he can offer.

I have been over to that area a few times now and planning to visit again in Oct 2010. My wife and I help out with a charity called ‘Clinic Nepal’, which an English guy could Peter Shore runs ‘http://clinic-nepal.org.uk/’. It is base in Meghauli, near Chitwan.

Peter Shore is a scout and my wife’s Club Group has donated a well (water), few cows and sheep to some outlaying villages, which we hope to visit when we are over.

Since my wife is a nurse and I have some medical background we are planning to go over in Oct to help out in the medical centre.

Part of my goal is to spend the last few days flying in Pokhara, near the Annapurna mountain range – just maybe next year it would be great to meet up with Karan and go flying together, if not I could take some kit over for him…….

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Tony, :oops:

October is when Karan returns to Pune (Mumbai) to finish his course. I will put you in contact with him as he may be able to know when he will be there to see if you are going to cross either now or in the future. I can't speak for him of course but my bet would be that if there is a PMC member in Nepal and he is about he will be delighted to meet up.

As for kit, anything would be very welcome. He has already lined up a couple of very likely lads he knows well to help along himself (when he gets there) and kit is gold dust.

Your project sounds very interesting, you should hit after the Monsoon moves on and see some spectacular sights. Have a ball mate.


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  • 3 weeks later...


I have an apology to make.

When you first started to post on this site the sceptic in me thought you were trying a Scam for money. I hear sob stories virtually every day with requests for cash so much so I have become numb to it and I wouldn't have given your post a second thought. Norman however, being the true gent he is, took you at face value and is helping to make your dreams come true.

I am so pleased I was wrong.

You are a true hero! Good luck with your flying and your venture and I will do what I can to help.


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Thanks for the compliment Alan but we did follow an incremental approach with Karan.

It didn't take long to discover that he was a genuine chap with a dream. I would love to bring him across to the UK to fly and perhaps complete an instructors course when the time is right. Then everyone could meet the man with a fire in his belly and a light in his eyes. If he fails I can tell you it won't be for lack of trying.

I suspect that he spends a fair amount of his waking hours planning MHASC activities. I don't think I have ever met anyone who really wanted to fly for a living who failed to do it unless there were truly insurmountable obstructions. Karan is a classic example.

He does realise however that it will happen largely from his own efforts. We (Simon, Paul W, Piers and myself) are trying to provide the best poniters we can for him. He thinks about them, makes them his own after modification then really motors with his conclusions.

For the record: I/we have never suggested to him - ever - that he should follow the course he is, it all came from within. He is the sole planner of his future, we are merely suggesting various alternatives based on our experience that we think may have a chance of success. We are trying to be 'enablers' and a resource for him.

He has formed his company, started a dialogue with the NCAA and is seriously considering early release from his position with the Indian Army Ghurka Regiment simply because it will slow down his accumulation of flying time and keep him away from where he wants to be - Phokhara. You can see why we are treading carefully...

Still, if you are born to live up there, what's the point is screwing around down here?

What was that about a faint heart and a maiden? :lol:

"Always listen to the experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it."

Robert Heinlein

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  • 2 weeks later...


I am meeting up with Karan in Hyderabad during early December. If anyone has any kit they feel they would like to donate now would be a good time to think about it. He was really knocked over by his wing, he reckons it jumps off the ground where the school wings he was using were a little reluctant sometimes. :wink:

Literally anything as he is gathering his clan around him to kick off MHASC and your contribution will not get wasted. I am still scratching my head trying to work out how to put a motor together, the one we had lined isn't suitable unfortunately. Any ideas?

Karan flew 7 times yesterday at Pune and is well on his way now. As soon as I get pictures I will post them on his blog.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks,

I have spent the last couple of days with Karan listening to his plans and doing a little navigation ground-school. He is in good health and sends his best wishes to all. He had a great time in Pune flying and has now completed what we would regard as being 2/3 of a PPG1.

It wouldn't be fair of me to expose his thoughts to public scrutiny but I can tell you that he looks likely to be placing all his chips on the table and taking a leap of faith. He wants to earn his living in the air in Nepal and be with his family and is working out a way to do that. I left him in little doubt as to what his path might mean and the level of commitment that he would need. He just grinned and with a twinkle in his eye said, "I will do what I must, this river must be crossed and I will do it. I know what risk and reward are and how they live together."

Whilst drinking far too much coffee we hatched a plan that I had previously discussed with Simon. With a fair wind and a little help from our friends we might be seeing a little of Karan here in the UK when the sun comes out and the temperatures rise a little.


More to come soon. Boeing 777 simulator ride is in hand and planned now for January.

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