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Dudek Nucleon

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I hear all about the Fusion and how it fly's from owners like myself who enjoy it. I wasn't an instant fan and had to grow into it. I am interested in how the long term owners of the Nucleon are getting on. I went from a Dudek Sythesis to Re-Action to a Paramania Fusion. My natural step would have been to the Nucleon or Plasma. So I got to wondering how the Nucleon owners are finding their new toy rather than hearing from one of test flights.

What experiences have you had. Economy, handling, takeoff, landing, reflex, thermals, speed, rough air, tuck resistance, speed range with the trims. Its not a test I shall be asking the APCO pilots the same thing. I rave about my Fusion with out real insight to some other wings out there.

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a jolly fine question, especially good if they have flown fusion and nucleon


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It is interesting that you will find loads of Fusion reviews and no, (non that I have seen) on the Nucleon.

Not saying good or bad here....!!

Just saying, no reviews?


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I liked the Fusion when I flew it a month ago. Very agile and good speed with great glide on neutral trims. I flew the 31 Synthesis today and liked the feeling of security and speed but not particularly agile. If the Nucleon came between the two I think it would be ok and if I hadn't used all my petrol doing 30 power landings and slow footdrag takeoffs I might've tried the one,a 34, at Matt's flyin. It looked to fly well, viewed from the ground. I look forward to another chance to try one. Next time I'll do it before I get the Atis2 out of the bag. I love that wing. Still my favourite for just chucking about, thermalling and TO's and landing behaviour. Just not quite as fast as a Revo even with trims up at equal loading.

ps. I dont sell wings

pps. Got a prop for sale but no bu***r seems to be breakin' um :D

Si. Can I change my Forum name?


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Certification of the Nucleon is a point that I raised with the importer, Vince, as I too would like to know what level a wing is before I buy one. Not a bad idea to read the test reports before purchase (or flying one on demo) Might have to wait and see if anything comes to light in the near future.


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Thanks Mike, I just looked on the website again and it is in the news section for the 29, but not in the Tech Details for any sizes.

I like the way Paramania make there test report available, is the Nucleon one online to view? I have searched the www.para-test.com and it doesn't have a report, says its pending. Fusion is there so is the Synthesis. Please Help. Am I looking in the right place?

I get asked about the Nucleon but can't comment as there are no reviews and no tests, surely the wing has been out long enough to get all this done. I thought Paramotor Mag were going to test it after the Fusion, it must be top of their list, every one wants to know. I mean how hard can it be for a magazine to get hold of a wing, dudek would love the big glossy photo's. Instant sales boost after a review im sure. Is there any reviews in the states or euro, I haven't read any. Post a Link to something.

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This reminds of a kite review in one of the kitesurf magazines, It was a mega test of all the latest kit.The one kite that was missing which was the one I wanted, turned out to be a bit of a dog. I don't buy the kite mags anymore, I go by word of mouth and personal test flying. I fly a North Rebel which is an amazing kite but never stood out in the reviews.

All that aside where is the Nucleon review it is always interesting. There must be some private reviews on some website somewhere. A mate has a 31 I think, I will review it myself when I get a chance and post the results on here, I will get his view on the Fusion at the same time as a control measure so it will not be bias.

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I have had chance to try the Fusion, Nucleon & Vista HP and they are all very good and for me there is plenty of cross country potential with a wing that climbs well and maintains level flight with less rpm and has a good L/D ratio with less surface area and lines. The Apco Vista HP ticks all these boxes and must the best that Apco have produced for powered flying. I have already completed my fastest out and return flight from Doncaster to York using this wing.

I think that Apco have produced an excellent reflexed wing with HIT valves and SRS that is worth a try (if you get a chance have go with the demo if you are at the UK PPG fly in or the Lord Stones fly in).

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2009-06-25 15:25

Michel Carnet won gold medal during open championships of Britain on a Nucleon 31. His outstanding result was accompanied by David Muzellec on a Nucleon as well (third place), Tom Keene on a Reaction (fifth) and Laura Turner on a Nucleon (sixth).

German Cup in Ballenstedt

2009-06-24 14:57

On this year's "German Paramotor Trophy" our Nucleon won huge interest. Atfter test flights pilots were delighted with high speed and stability of the wing, coupled with unprecedented agility, stability at low speeds and easy take-off even in no wind.

Plasma PV super light

2009-06-24 14:51

Pascal Vallee is currently experimenting with yet another version of light Plasma. Super light this time, made of 36 g/m2 cloth as a 28m2 canopy. So far he says he's delighted.

Nucleon 29 with EN C

2009-06-24 14:40

29 m2 Nucleon has just passed the certification as an EN C paraglider.

Soon we will have the 25, 27 and 31 certified as well.

Dudek became the main sponsor of the Paramotors World XContest! Win a brand new wing!!!

2009-06-24 14:37

All PPG pilots are invited to announce their flights on Paramotors World XContest platform. We decided to join this fun, so that most active pilot will be able to win a brand new Nucleon, Plasma or Synthesis. Good luck!!! .

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Thats still not a review though to be fair.

We need someone on this forum to fly my Fusion and A Nuc at the same time on the same day and gove an independnt review.

I say,

Put your name in if you want to be that INDEPENDANT person and then we can vote on a person and arrange the flights.

Thats about the only way to get the independant review we all want.


any takers?


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Thats still not a review though to be fair......... not a review a replie from luke...... " A RESULT TO BE HONEST IN NUCLEONS FAVOUR"

We need someone on this forum to fly my Fusion and A Nuc at the same time on the same day and gove an independnt review.

I say,

Put your name in if you want to be that INDEPENDANT person and then we can vote on a person and arrange the flights.

Thats about the only way to get the independant review we all want.


any takers?


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I disagree.

I don't think that comp use at all reflects our normal day to day use for many reasons.

I also dont think that you can count 'Sponsored comp' pilots as independant since they are given the wings to fly for bottom doller in most cases.

He who give the most wings away wins? naaaaaa.... not for real people who want real reviews by other real people.

So again... any takers? no dealers or comp pilots need apply


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Sorry I can't, the Nucleon I was going to fly was sent back. I don't think I am bias, I love my Fusion but a good wing is a good wing. I loved my Re-Action also. The Synthesis is a super stable and fast wing. I want to try the APCO Vista. Might be a guest with a Nucleon at one of the up coming PPG events.

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I disagree.

I don't think that comp use at all reflects our normal day to day use for many reasons.

I also dont think that you can count 'Sponsored comp' pilots as independant since they are given the wings to fly for bottom doller in most cases.

He who give the most wings away wins? naaaaaa.... not for real people who want real reviews by other real people.

So again... any takers? no dealers or comp pilots need apply


I would but cant yet

Pete b

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Maybe I could help Simon. I am currently considering both wings, from a customer point of view, and am flying for leisure and not a comp pilot by a long stretch. I've flown one and am soon to try the other but would really like to fly both on the same day. Have you a list of qualities or characteristics that you particularly want examined or tested. Perhaps we'll leave out acro for now, but maybe landing, takeoff and turning ability, speed range, stuff like that ?


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2009-06-25 15:25

Michel Carnet won gold medal during open championships of Britain on a Nucleon 31. His outstanding result was accompanied by David Muzellec on a Nucleon as well (third place), Tom Keene on a Reaction (fifth) and Laura Turner on a Nucleon (sixth).

German Cup in Ballenstedt

2009-06-24 14:57

On this year's "German Paramotor Trophy" our Nucleon won huge interest. Atfter test flights pilots were delighted with high speed and stability of the wing, coupled with unprecedented agility, stability at low speeds and easy take-off even in no wind.

Plasma PV super light

2009-06-24 14:51

Pascal Vallee is currently experimenting with yet another version of light Plasma. Super light this time, made of 36 g/m2 cloth as a 28m2 canopy. So far he says he's delighted.

Nucleon 29 with EN C

2009-06-24 14:40

29 m2 Nucleon has just passed the certification as an EN C paraglider.

Soon we will have the 25, 27 and 31 certified as well.

Dudek became the main sponsor of the Paramotors World XContest! Win a brand new wing!!!

2009-06-24 14:37

All PPG pilots are invited to announce their flights on Paramotors World XContest platform. We decided to join this fun, so that most active pilot will be able to win a brand new Nucleon, Plasma or Synthesis. Good luck!!! .

Mr Carnet,David Muzellec and (and others)

would most probably win no matter which reflex wing they were on as they are excellent pilots

Pete b

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Is this something that we could be doing as an independent club? (I say we as I intend to join as soon as I'm ready to learn!) I'd be willing to test kit once I'm airborne as it gives flying a purpose. (I think I'd need this so it didn't get too routine.) Is this something you'd look at the club doing in future Simon?

Cheers guys,


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Inside the club is fine... But as a fly and sell the Paramania wings my views would be valueless to many thus I would have to have as little to do with it as possible.

I do think the PMC is ideally placed to review wings / kit though, if we cant find a handfull of independant people from a list of well over 1200 people I will be supprised.

Farmer Dave has stuck his hand up as one of them, two or three would be ideal to get a better spread.


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