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Whew Pete! I can only echo Whitters, it must have been spectacular. Thanks to some quick action with the right kit on site your it sounds as though your injuries were minimised and treated in a timely fashion.

This one (like almost any other mishap on the flying field) points out the importance of a well equipped control vehicle and switched on people who understand what action is required - and take it. Flying alone is a romantic pastime but lying in a field under similar circumstances when all that watched you launch were birds and the odd rabbit doesn't bear thinking about.

Speedy recovery Pete, when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping ..... for a new motor. Your insurers will love you! :lol:

Did not get around to insuring this one :(

Pete b

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Would a quick release harness have been advantageous Pete ? ie Would you have got away from the flames any quicker if you could've pulled a D ring to escape instead of numerous buckles. I.ve toyed with the idea but now feel more compelled somehow ! Heal fast buddy


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Would a quick release harness have been advantageous Pete ? ie Would you have got away from the flames any quicker if you could've pulled a D ring to escape instead of numerous buckles. I.ve toyed with the idea but now feel more compelled somehow ! Heal fast buddy


Hi Dave

YES I would have paid you anything for one of those at the time, but I think this was a freak accident and may never ever happen again :?:

But then again it might.

Pete b

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Hi Pete,

After chatting to you at the Pie and Peas I'm sorry to hear about your accident but glad you're OK and looking forward to getting airborne again. Here's a wee pic which I took when flying the motor in the yorkshire dales at the weekend. A small village I spent a lot of my childhood in.


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Hi Pete,

After chatting to you at the Pie and Peas I'm sorry to hear about your accident but glad you're OK and looking forward to getting airborne again. Here's a wee pic which I took when flying the motor in the yorkshire dales at the weekend. A small village I spent a lot of my childhood in.


Its great to see some where you have always known from a different perspective isn't it?

Pete b

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sounds like some of these are in order -- great they look like grenades for that "army" feel!

ebay -- 200343909874

glad ur well bud.

They look smart!

I like the bit in the listing where they cross out the list price of £29.99 and show that their price with a whopping discount is £29.99!!

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Freak accidents happen more often than we like to admit, just last week three freaks in a van ran into five freaks in a microbus. Kudos to the boyscouts that were prepared with fire extinguishers - there's a big message there somewhere about taking care of your friends. I too hate to abort a good pace on a macro - slow down I don't think so - a a aaaoww sorry Baldy but that's 2 significant heart palpitations in less than a year - arretti la palpitatus.

If you want a video of the macro trike launch I will seek out a photographer.

Cheers and band aids,

Marko D

Macro/Fusion 29 :arrow::!::!:

Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere in life is full of heroism.

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