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Buying 2nd Hand


Would you buy 2nd hand Paramotor / Wing  

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  1. 1. Would you buy 2nd hand Paramotor / Wing

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Not looking to purchase at the minute but I have been wondering what to look for.

Do paramotors become unsellable or unreliable with high hours, if so how many hours is high? Are there any MOT's for them or is it just a service for oil/sparks etc as appropriate?

Can anyone list the minimum kit required additional to a wing / paramotor e.g. helmet.

many thanks, Adrian - Newbie from Bristol

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The trick is take someone who knows when i bought my equipment i did not know any thing about paragliders and paramotors so i got in touch with a local club who offered to come with me and check the equipment.

I now fly with these chaps and would advise you to do the same, also Simon W who runs this forum is a full time paramotor training instructor so if you can not find a local club contact him to advise you on training and equipment.

It would be far better than parting with a lot of money on old wings and unreliable motors as any let down on equipment at the flying field can be very frustrating and potentially dangerous, hope this helps, Alan

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I would only buy 2nd hand if i knew the guy that i was buying it off, and i knew that the machine had been looked after and its hours were genuine. If a machine has been well maintained, then it would be worth buying... If there is any doubt then dont. Wings are a different matter- id really want an independent inspection prior to any transaction...


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I would buy both second hand but insist on a loft/aerofix certificate on a wing and like GD said, make sure you know the hours and history of a motor as I'm sure fatigue comes into the equation after a lot of hours. You can send a lot of motors off to be rebuilt i.e. Parajet/H&E offer checking & rebuild services but remember all the other parts that wear out such as exhausts/rubbers/crabs etc need to be closely examined too. Worry about your training first, kit second.

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I made up my mind that if I couldn't buy new kit then I wouldn't take up the sport. This is as much to do with my technical skills as anything, I figured if I buy a decent new motor and not tweak it or fiddle with it then it should be reliable and it has been. Also of course I know exactly how many times its been bounced on landing and how hard, how much work the engine has done (I rarely hit full throttle even on take off) so there isn't anything I don't know about it. But thats just me, if I were forced into a corner I might have bought 2nd hand but I'd want the wing certified by the loft as safe and flyable and I'd replace anything on the motor that might be subject to fatigue, arms, crabs, buckles etc!

Each to their own I guess, Steve is down the road from you, he's a pretty good engineer and builds his own motors so a good chap to help you and advise you if you go the 2nd hand route!

I've just advertised a Pap Top 80 for a friend on here for £1900 if thats any use, you'll need to be sub 75kg though I believe!



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I made up my mind that if I couldn't buy new kit then I wouldn't take up the sport. This is as much to do with my technical skills as anything, I figured if I buy a decent new motor and not tweak it or fiddle with it then it should be reliable and it has been. Also of course I know exactly how many times its been bounced on landing and how hard, how much work the engine has done (I rarely hit full throttle even on take off) so there isn't anything I don't know about it. But thats just me, if I were forced into a corner I might have bought 2nd hand but I'd want the wing certified by the loft as safe and flyable and I'd replace anything on the motor that might be subject to fatigue, arms, crabs, buckles etc!

Each to their own I guess, Steve is down the road from you, he's a pretty good engineer and builds his own motors so a good chap to help you and advise you if you go the 2nd hand route!

I've just advertised a Pap Top 80 for a friend on here for £1900 if thats any use, you'll need to be sub 75kg though I believe!



Yeah it can be a bummer if you buy something and find out its a bit of a shed, like the bottom end was just thrown together for instance, aint that right Malcs :D


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Yeah it can be a bummer if you buy something and find out its a bit of a shed, like the bottom end was just thrown together for instance, aint that right Malcs :D


i dunno, did you have problems with yours then Dave or am i missing something?

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Yeah it can be a bummer if you buy something and find out its a bit of a shed, like the bottom end was just thrown together for instance, aint that right Malcs :D


i dunno, did you have problems with yours then Dave or am i missing something?

Check your PMs :lol::lol::lol:

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