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Five go flying in France


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Had a great day at the flagpole yesterday, good to see so many people there (Summer must be coming!).

Had a couple of good flights, although the second one was a bit bumpy and found myself gaining altitude on tickover on a couple of occasions. A bit scary in thermals when you don't come from a Paragliding background and will take a bit of getting used to.

Was tempted to go for a cross country with Colin & Simon but was glad I did'nt as they decided not to bother taking enough fuel and using the 'Flagpole groundcrew' system of getting back!

Managed to do another couple of 'spot landings', so qualified as PPG1 which means that I am the only PPG1 at the moment so I need the rest of the 'Fodder Five' to catch up as soon as possible so I hope to see Ken,Dave ,Tim and Neil soon.

THanks to Pete and SW for all their help and looking forward to getting PPG2!


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Thanks Tony

If I recall correctly you and Jon Norton where the first people I met when I turned up for training with SW last year.

It was great news to hear that you got in the air after I left Sunday and I am looking forward to reading about it in your training blog.


How are you getting on?


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Congratulations on reaching your PPG1 serial number 001. I’m now waiting for the ‘fodder five’ to all past and maybe grab the ‘007’ title.

Well done and a good achievement gained.


You will grab one of the lower Nos as long as you come up the field regularly.

Pete b

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I'm still here Eddie,

Progress has been slow but as Tony said no point making excuses, if you are in the right frame of mind you will get there quicker. Spent a lot of time last year hesitating for various reasons, but I can honestly my attitude has changed I and just want to get on with it! I think without that feeling of 'ok I am ready to do this now!' it's not going to happen.

Good blog Tony, I can relate to a lot of the points you made.


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