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Tuesday 28th October 2008


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Got there to find someone packing up (Sorry, forgot the name) after a slightly disastrous landing involving a dinked prop caused by a line snagging the throttle and the kill switch not working reliably.

Got myself set up with the wind perfect for a reverse launch except for the uphill run... --- and the wind died... Ok, no sweat, turn around and go for a forward.

Almost nil wind, forward launch, uphill run. After a couple of dodgy attempts at getting the wing up the third was looking good - until the engine died - nope, it's back, get the speed back up, run faster, engine dies again, nope it's back. Stabilise the wing, engine revs back up, another 30 yards of running, ah yes, that tug of the wing lifting, brakes, engine dies again. By this point I've run a good 60 yards uphill and my legs have had it so it's time to stop. What is causing that momentary engine die every now and then? I reach for the kill switch - and it isn't there! It has slipped out of the top of the throttle and is snagging on the brake handle in my hand. Ah ha, the problem was the kill switch. Engine now stopped. Wing overflew me (absolutely no wind at all) and landed. I rosed up and began the long walk back to the car.

By this point the weather was clearly taking a turn for the worse so we all packed up - just as Col arrived. The temperature was dropping fast and dark rain clouds were heading rapidly our way so no peachy sunset flight for anyone. Ah well.

And today's lesson? Make use of the rain to fix that b****y kill switch. Motor maintenance - you know it makes sense.

'till next time all.


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So much feedback so little time.

  • First: barbed wire fence - yeah what kind of plonker lands close enough for a barbed wire fence to be any kind of threat to a wing?
    Second: I hardly know you but 93Kg in my birthday suit. I've never tried weighing the whole rig and me (or just adding it all together). Perhaps I'll do it tomorrow.
    Third: There's nothing wrong with the thrust from the RAD. The issue is my running. I just can't work out how to let the wing and the thrust do their stuff in nil wind. My legs somehow don't like to cover the ground ;-)
    Fourth: Next time the wind is coming from that direction I'm using a different field!

See ya'll soon.

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I would reccomend that you move up over to the stubble flatter section chap.

O and wait until you see my new training field :D :D :D !!!

It used to be a cricket pitch and is sat in the center of a flat grass 50 acre field. ( and I am not joking ) so now we have two of the best sites in the UK :D

Move in tomorrow.


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I would reccomend that you move up over to the stubble flatter section chap.

O and wait until you see my new training field :D :D :D !!!

It used to be a cricket pitch and is sat in the center of a flat grass 50 acre field. ( and I am not joking ) so now we have two of the best sites in the UK :D

Move in tomorrow.


just in time for 3 new students to be taking to the air :D

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