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Hi Ian,

Boots look cheap enough and good looking!!!!

Police and security services approved.............................must be good!!

Looking into navigation etc...............Andy recommends Garmin Etrex Vista hc..........what do you think?

God, I tried Andys Bailey on for size...it weights a ton compared to my Pap!!!!!! It obviously has its benefits but also drawbacks!!

Anyway, will no doubt catch up when back from holiday!!

Fly safe mate!!


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  • 1 month later...


See you're going to the Lambourne shindig!!!

I have a saturday night fancy dress party but want to attend Sunday..............who knows might even wear my cowboy outfit!!!!

Might see you there then?

I have had a flight in Spain with someone elses kit.....cool!!

I am just about getting up to speed with all things work and will contact Andy to get a flight in somewhere next week.

I have been in contact with another pilot in the kent area but he emailed me on another computer in Spain which now has a broken charger - kids!!!! I will get his contact info and hopefully we should all hook up soon.!!!

Hows all the flights going? Good I hope? Your prop sounds interesting?



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Hi Mike

Good to see that you are back from Spain safely and even better to hear that you got a good flight.

Andy's massive field at Detling is operational again (they ploughed it so that they could turn in some muck and sow fresh grass seed!)

Hopefully going to fly there tomorrow morning. Update on todays attempted flight in the 3 blade GSC prop section!

Best regards,


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Hi Ian,

I am a paramotor/paraglider pilot based in Pluckley. I own a 4 acre field next to my house which I fly from when the wind is N TO N/E. As the weather has been so crap recently I havent done much, but I am hoping that September may provide a few opportunities for early evening flights.I fly a Bailey 175 and a Gradient Bright which I am hoping to upgrade to a reflex soon (see my comments on the wing forum)Like yourself I am relatively inexperienced and I dont really like to fly in marginal conditions!I have a friend who lives in Harrietsham who also flies.

Regards Steve

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Hi Steve and welcome to the Kent section!

I know Pluckley as I shoot at the Black Horse Gun Club there every fortnight and I am only 5 minutes from your mate in Harrietsham (I live in Bicknor)!

You would be welcome to fly at my instructors field in Detling. It is flyable with wind from any direction. Or there are always my fields on the Romney Marsh (if you can find a day when it's not blowing a gale down there!)

If you are thinking of going reflex, you can give my Revolution 28 a try. What weight are you?

Best regards,


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Steve, I too am a Bailey 4 stroke flyer and looking to move down to the Haywards Heath area of Sussex over the next 9 months. How far is it to Pluckley from there?



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Thanks for your welcome Ian (s)! Pluckley is about 6 miles NW of Ashford in Kent, very close in fact to Headcorn Airfield. I learned to paraglide down at the Dyke. I am about 100 kilo in my shreddies so I need a bigger wing. At the moment I am looking for a good second hand Apco thrust or paramania revolution. (I have a reply from a Paul Deakin who has an Apco for sale.Do You guys know him at all?)The forum seems to suggest there isn't much to choose between the two performance wise. I would like to eventually do some long flights away from the field....but the weather..need I say more?If you go to Pinnock Farm Pluckley on Google Earth you will see my field next to an L shaped barn.Thanks again for the offers to fly at your sites,I hope I can take you up on this very soon!!

Good Flying


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)The forum seems to suggest there isn't much to choose between the two performance wise. I would like to eventually do some long flights away from the field....

Good Flying


NOOOOOOOOOO...... the Revo is nothing like the Apco Thrust!! read again...

The Apco is a low end PPG wing, slow, gentle wing....

The Revo is that (when on slow trim) but an inter when on fast trim.....

they are nothing like the same...

the Synth sits somwhere in the middle maybe a little more so towards the Thrust than the Revolution, I have now flewn both for equal times and feel able to say this with confidence.

Test fly the three wings on the same day..... We have the Revolution, Synth and the Apco here to try. you will notice the 100% reflex of the Revo in a matter of seconds.


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Cofusion between Thrust and Thrust HP?

The thrust is aFnor "standard" wing.

The Thrust HP "claims to be" Afnor standard but is this only true when the trim tabs are sewn up?

It appears to me that the thrust and the hp are the same glider but the hp riser geometry permit the tail to rise to become reflexed?

I seriously dont like this kind of bullshit from manufacturers; it is not only dishonest but dangerous. Come guys shape up. We are not stupid.

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CERTIFICATION: In order to prove the safety of Thrust HP '09, we cooperated with Air Turquoise - official EN certification laboratory to conduct a new ground breaking test sequence for all parameters of safety as a paramotor unit, in addition to standard paragliding certification - the tests confirmed that the reflex hybrid technology of Thrust HP actually improves the safety of the wing on higher speeds or with trimmers released.

OK Air Turqiose are an EN certification lab who are working with DMSV (German paramotor certifying body) to develop a new paramotor test.

The above phrasing from Apco implies(by my reading of it) that their HP wing has some sort of paramotor certification. Well? ........ IT DOESNT!!!!! It doesnt have a DULV and it doesnt have a DMSV. It has AFNOR "standard" paragliding certification when it is flown at trim settings equivalent to a Thrust.

So I say again; bullshit.

I would like to organise a boycott of all manufacturers guilty of this sort of "positioning".

Just give us the facts. Is it certified yes or no? What cert does it have?

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Sorry Stev, no disrespect, I actually think the Thrust and the HP are good wings.

I was just having a rant about the misleading advertising that Apco and other manufacturers put out.

You can compare the thrust HP with the revolution for performance numbers but be aware of the actual certification on each of these wings.

The Thrust is more akin to the GoFly if you are comparing Paramania with Apco and have similar certifications

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Hi All,

I'm based in Tenterden and have a couple of sites I can use. I learnt to paramotor with Skyschool in Spain earlier in the year, but due to the weather haven't managed to fly anything like as much as i'd have liked since being back.

I have a Parajet Volution + Sting Powerplay

Also fly a fixed-wing microlight from Barham, nr Canterbury

PM me if you're local.



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No problem!! I agree with your sentiment over manufacturers(sometimes) over optimistic and plainly misleading data regarding wing performance. Frankly the whole issue can be a can of worms.The issues around certification should be more straightforward but this is an industry problem and I suspect not confined to wing manufacturers alone!As a low hours pilot I want a wing with benign characteristics but a bit more response and speed than the Gradient Bright I currently use! All the folk I fly with currently use Dudek Reactions (two of them at competition level) and seem to rate them highly. Try out what is available seems to be good advice to me!!



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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I'm airbourne at last with my Bailey, and having fun around Bewl. Keen to join others in the area. Waiting for the spring weather to let me out properly. Sevenoaks .. where do you launch from? I'd be interested to join you.

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Hi - all goodsports (sorry forgot your name when we met?)

Out of curiosity, did Peter (the Farmer) buy the kit? I spoke to his brother in law and he said he thinks he did?

When the weather breaks (if it ever does?) I'm up for it as i mentioned when we spoke at the field.

Bewl Water

A chap called Simon Harding flies around Bewl Water way - sometimes? He visits this forum. I did have his number at some point?

Perhaps he will drop drop you/us a line?


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  • 6 years later...


Hello to everybody.

I am brand new here and indeed thus far have absolutely no paragliding/paramotoring experience as yet.

I have though achieved 14 parachute jumps under the RAPS training system but I have not done anything for the last 6 years. It is my definite intention to begin my paragliding training in 2 or so weeks time with an iron clad view to progressing to paramotoring. For me, parachuting, which is a great adrenalin rush..is all over too quickly so here I go with powered flight!.

I work in Aylesham near Canterbury and my excitement is fuelled by seeing two paramotorists buzzing around the sky near the site I work on (tease).

I would welcome any words of wisdom from anybody who is willing to stand me in good stead.

I cannot wait!

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Hi Frosty and welcome to the Paramotor Club!! :-)

Thanks for joining as a full member and supporting the club! :-) I hope to see you at one of the PMC fly-ins next year.

I would agree with Patrick and say that learning to Paraglide is not a requirement and can take a very long time to do in the UK.

That said, it wont do you any harm apart from the Parawaiting driving you slightly mad.


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  • 2 years later...

Hello there, apologies for lighting up an old thread. I'm based in Rodmersham near Sittingbourne and was wondering if you guys still meet and fly? I'm starting my paramotor training in spring next year. I have a few bits of permission already for suitable take off sites due my metel detecting buddys and farmer / pub mates. Would love to and watch a few of you get airbourne in the meantime (if the weather is kind) and get a head start with advice pre training. Kindest Regards. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there. 

Back flying today after a long break on my new to me Bailey V4.

I only live in Bicknor about 10 minutes from you and play squash in Rodmersham sometimes (when I can be bothered!)

Happy to meet up for a paramotoring chat. 

Pm and I'll send my mobile number over. 

Cheers, Ian. 

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