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Newbies flying Synthesis

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Hi All,

I've been reading good reviews on the Synthesis and am on the brink of ordering one from Simon for myself. Before I do I'd be interested in any feedback (good or bad) from anyone who is flying one. In particular it would be good to hear how other newbies are getting on with their wings. What are your experiances with nil wind launches etc

If anyone can spare the time and would like to phone me for a chat about their wing please PM me for my phone number.

Thanks and regards.


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I’ve purchased a Synth from Simon a few weeks ago with the view of getting a Parajet motor (after I’ve had a good play with Simons)

Sorry, but I have only had it out the bag for half a day and I can’t really comment on it – except it looks and feels good quality.

I also had done a lot of trailing on the web and asking a few questions about the safety of the wing (In my eyes the most important). My spec was a safe wing first, then a wing to travel distance with in a straight line, because I am not into acro’s or any form of that and the Synth came out tops – in addition the UK importer only lives 5 minutes down the road from me…

Due to the strong winds I did have a play with the a 12m wing from Dudek. It was very good and I think I learnt a lot more with that than I did on my first day.

Hope all goes well and if you have any questions please ask.



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OK, this is an exact account of something that happened today.

New Student (day 2) 65kg

Wing 1 was a 27 square meter reflex wing which was not a synth

3 Blokes running in nil wind doing a hand tow and let me tell you, it was VERY HARD and in fact we did not suceed, the wing just seemed to need to much of a 'nack' to get it overhead and flying.

Wing 2 was a synth 29 (point to note bigger wing but this is not my point here, I am not talking about 'lift' or 'speed' I am talking about getting it flying.

It was still nil wind and the people were all the same but the wing just came up nicely.

I do of course sell and fly the synthesis myself and would be very happy to reccomend it to a newbie, I am sure you will be after an independant view.

So click this link :D

http://paramotorclub.org/forum/viewtopi ... sc&start=0

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  • 4 months later...

great link to a very good thread, I think the best point in it is where one person said 'Synthesis could well be a wing which people never upgrade from'

choices choices...

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Hi Sally-Ann

Thank for mentioning my wing. It,s still for sale, together with a Gin One Reserve, the detais are on the 'For Sale' section of this forum.

I don't think Togsie will be interested as it's a none reflex wing. But who know's!! :D

I have just ammended the original advert and it now offers a FREE Gin One Reserve to anyone who purchases the wing at my asking price.

See you all at Lambourn on 15 Dec.



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